The Job Security Foundation (HR-support)

As an employer, KI are responsible for informing the employee of its rights and obligations under agreements on conversion.

The employee's rights

The support that the employee can take part in through Trygghetsstiftelsen (the Job Security Foundation) depends on the form of employment and how long the employment has taken place.


Anyone who is dismissed due to lack of work is offered a planning interview with Trygghetsstiftelsen's advisors, individual support and financial reinforcement in the form of income reinforcement and A-kassa reinforcement.

The employee is covered by the agreement for five years, the time begins to count after the last day of employment

Temporary employment

Employment for at least six years

Anyone who has had a fixed-term employment for at least six years is offered a planning interview with Trygghetsstiftelsen's advisors, individual support and financial reinforcement in the form of income reinforcement and A-kassa reinforcement.

The employee is covered by the transitional agreement for four years, the time begins to count after the last employment day.

PhD student employment cannot be counted in for six years' employment.

Employment for at least three years

Anyone who has had a fixed-term employment for at least three years is offered a planning interview with Trygghetsstiftelsen's advisors, individual support and A-kassa reinforcement for 44 days.

The employee is covered by the transitional agreement for four years, the time begins to count after the last employment day.

Employment for at least two years

Anyone who has had a fixed-term employment for at least two years is offered a planning interview with Trygghetsstiftelsen's advisors and individual support six days.

The employee is covered by the transitional agreement for four years, the time begins to count after the last employment day.

Employee obligations

The employee shall:

Be active and take your own initiatives to get a new job.

Notify Trygghetsstiftelsen of changes in terms of employment or other conditions that are of importance for its conversion benefits.

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