The Job Security Foundation

Trygghetsstiftelsen, The Job Security Foundation, support government employees on the way to a new job.
As an employer, KI is responsible for informing the employee of his or her rights and obligations under the agreements on conversion. KI will register all employees who are entitled to support to the Security Foundation. The extent of support that the employee can take part of depends on the form of employment and how long the employment has taken place.

Who can receive support?

Shortage of work

Anyone who is made redundant due to a shortage of work is offered a planning meeting with the Social Security Foundation's adviser, individual support and financial reinforcement in the form of income reinforcement and unemployment insurance reinforcement.

The employee is covered by the transition agreement for five years, starting after the last day of employment.

The notification to TSN is made by the responsible department as of 3 February 2025.

Fixed-term employment

If the employee's fixed-term employment (20% or more) expires, the notification must be made one month before or at the latest in connection with the termination of the employment.

Read more on TSN:s website

Different information forms

Register an employee

Click on the link below for information and to begin the registration:


Password for registration on the website are obtained from TSN or the HR department.

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