Travel booking for business trip
A business trip is a trip that you make in work. It should be planned in consultation between you and your manager. All business trips must be booked with KI´s contract travel agency AMEX-GBT.
New function mailbox
All contacts regarding internal KI questions about travel should from now on be sent to Therefore, add this new email to your contact list.
As done previously, send all mail regarding bookings etc. to our travel agency at
- The right to decide on mission follows from the current decision-making and delegation procedure. The person who has the right to decide on business travel is responsible for ensuring that these rules are followed and that employees traveling in the service know what applies to business travel.
- Read more about Regulations for business travel.
- Consider the environmental aspects when choosing a means of transport. When traveling under 500 km, train should always be considered. When traveling to Gothenburg, train should always your mode of transportation. Book the trip in economy class. Use public transport when applicable.
- A travel expense claim must be registered no later than three months after the trip has ended.
Our travel agencies
KI has a framework agreement with American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT) All bookings should go through our contracted travel agencies, including flights, trains, hotels, and rental cars. You can also get help with, among other things, ground transport and visas. Exceptions are local or shorter trips with your own car, taxi, local transport, and those cases when hotels are already selected by congress and conference organizers.
Amex GBT has all KI's framework agreements, and the government framework agreements loaded into its systems.
If you are eligible for so-called youth discount, you can hire another travel agency to provide such discounts.
We also can use Tranås Travel Agency for so-called Raptimresor, see below.
Travel portal NEO
The travel portal is an entry point for you as a traveler and travel arranger. Here you will find information about agreements and other things that may be necessary for your trip. Here you can also change your traveler profile and book your trip.
Welcome letter from AMEX GBT - useful information of your new travel booking process.
News: In the online tool NEO, you can now also book a taxi when you book your flight or train.
Quick guide for booking Flygtaxi in Neo
You can find the educational video at the bottom of the page.
NEO Online portal
If you do not already have a traveler profile, you must contact the travel administrator at your institution, see document below.
Travel administrator per institution
For those of you who have had a traveler profile before and want to log in for the first time, follow these steps
- Click on the link Neo (
- Click on forgotten password and follow the instructions below

If you are unable to log in, please send screenshot of error response to
Online Navigation support
For questions about navigation in self-booking tools, profile management, questions about passwords and more.
Phone: +46 8 502 523 01
Select option 1: Online navigation support
Select option 2: Cancellation and rebooking after the trip has begun.
Opening hours
Regular opening hours: Monday – Friday 08.00 – 17.00. After 17:00, calls are routed to the contract travel agency's 24-hour on-call service.
Personal service
Traveler care-personal service/offline
For more complex bookings that cannot be ordered via NEO (for example, flights where the return journey is not from the same airport) or for assistance with the exchange / cancellation of already started trip, whether ordered through NEO or via Traveler Care, you are welcome to contact Traveler Care.
Travel Care - Personlig Service/Offline
Select option 2: For new ordering, cancellation and rebooking of your trip.
Phone: +46 8 502 523 01
Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 17:00
Travel booking
Travel bookings can be made in the NEO booking tool, by email or phone call to the travel agent or via the travel arranger at your institution. To be able to book trips, you must have a traveler profile and a KI email address.
Tranås travel agency
For travelers who are traveling on a non-commercial purposes and working on aid and development is the possibility to use Tranås Travel Agency. Tranås travel agency offers special tickets, Raptim with good prices and good rules for travel to or from the areas.
Phone: +46 140 37 50 10 (Africa) and +46 140 37 50 20 (other countries)
Debet card
If you travel a lot abroad, it is recommended to acquire a debit card for payment of hotel reservations as well as other expenses related to the trip.
Accommodation and hotels
When booking a hotel, you must choose from the hotels that are procured according to agreement. List of procured hotels can be found at In the first instance, choose the hotels that are environmentally certified.
Vouchers are available at hotels within the Nordic region, and in other countries you pay with a debit card.
More information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- C7.Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
- H1.ARC
- H5.Department of Laboratory Medicine
- H7.Department of Medicine, Huddinge
- K8.Department of Clinical Neuroscience