Premises for hybrid meetings

Equipment for meetings online, to minimize travelling, is available on both Flemingsberg and Solna Campus.

For online meetings, we primarily recommend the Zoom software, which is available to all KI employees. The user downloads the software on his/her computer and can then create and participate in meetings via Zoom. For larger meetings via Zoom, you can borrow an external camera and microphone from AV support free of charge, if the meeting is held in a Time Edit bookable premises.

Some rooms or lecure halls are still equiped with the older video conference equipment that is not compatible with Zoom or similar software. This equipment can be used for video conferencing where the counterparty has a similar system.

Do you want help with recording lectures or meetings? Then you can make an appointment with AV-support before your scheduled meeting.

The recording of a lecture or meeting with the Zoom program takes place directly in Zoom, and the file is then recorded on your computer or in a cloud service connected to the user who is logged in to Zoom, whichever you prefer. You can also record directly in Teams, if the lecture or meeting takes place there. If you want to record lecture or instruction without using the internet and third-party services, there is also the opportunity to record offline.

Campus Flemingsberg

Bookable premises in ANA10 at KI Campus Flemingsberg, 50-90 seats.

de Verdiersalen

Ground floor with seats for 90 participants. Alfred Nobels Allé 10

Zoom Room in Flemingsberg with 2 cameras and fully integrated AV functionality, compatible with Zoom and Zoom Webinar.

Bookable premises in NEO at KI Campus Flemingsberg, 50-90 seats

Erna Möllersalen

Ground floor with seats for 80 participants. Blickagången 16

Hybrid lecture hall in Flemingsberg with 3 cameras and fully integrated AV functionality, compatible with Zoom, Teams and recording software. BYOD.



Ground floor with seats for 104 participants. Alfred Nobels Allé 23

Hybrid lecture hall in Flemingsberg with camera and fully integrated AV functionality, compatible with Zoom, Teams and recording software. BYOD.


Bookable premises in ANA23 at KI Campus Flemingsberg, 50-90 seats.


Ground floor in Zanderska huset with seats for 78 participants. Alfred Nobels Allé 23

Hybrid lecture hall in Flemingsberg with camera and fully integrated AV functionality, compatible with Zoom, Teams and recording software. BYOD.



Ground floor with seats for 60 participants. Alfred Nobels Allé 8

Hybrid lecture hall in Flemingsberg with camera and fully integrated AV functionality, compatible with Zoom, Teams and recording software. BYOD.


Bookable premises at KI Campus Flemingsberg, 91-140 seats.


Ground floor in ANA8 with seats for 114 participants. Alfred Nobels allé 8

Hybrid lecture hall in Flemingsberg with camera and fully integrated AV functionality, compatible with Zoom, Teams and recording software. BYOD.

AV-support Flemingsberg

Support on technical equipment in KI's bookable premises

Campus Solna

Scheelesalen at KI Campus Solna with 60 seats
Scheelesalen at KI Campus Solna with 60 seats Photo: Jason Strong


Floor 3 in Scheele laboratory with seats for 60 participants. Tomtebodavägen 6, Solna

Zoom Room intergrated with the room AV equipment.
Two cameras and a dedicated control panel.
Please see quick reference guide in the hall and on the hall web page for instructions.
Book AV-support using e-mail for demo.

Bookable premises at KI Campus Solna, more than 250 seats

Jacob Berzelius

Ground floor in Berzeliuslaboratoriet with seats for 312 participants. Berzelius väg 3

Jacob Berzelius is a hybrid lecture hall in Solna with two cameras and a fully integrated audio solution, compatible with Zoom and Teams, as well as any audio and video recording software.

Andreas Vesalius

Andreas Vesalius

Ground floor in Berzeliuslaboratoriet with seats for 203 participants. Berzelius väg 3

Andreas Vesalius is a hybrid lecture hall in Solna with camera and a fully integrated audio solution, compatible with Zoom and Teams, as well as any audio and video recording software.


Christina Larsdotter (Cesar)

Ground floor in Berzeliuslaboratoriet with seats for 202 participants. Berzelius väg 3

Christina Larsdotter is a hybrid lecture hall in Solna with camera and a fully integrated audio solution, compatible with Zoom and Teams, as well as any audio and video recording software.


Lecture hall Ingesahlen in campus Solna


Floor 2 in Widerströmska huset with seats for 86 participants. Tomtebodavägen 18 A, Solna

Videoconference system Polycom integrated with the AV equipment in the lecture hall.



Conference room 508 in Aula Medica at KI Campus Solna
Conference room 508 in Aula Medica at KI Campus Solna Photo: free

Conference room 508

Floor 5 in Aula Medica with seats for 12 participants. Nobels väg 6, Solna

Camera and microphone are available for connection to own computer (USB) with Zoom or Skype.


AV-support Solna

Support on technical equipment in KI's bookable premises


More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • C5.Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
  • H1.Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
  • H5.Department of Laboratory Medicine
  • H7.Department of Medicine, Huddinge
  • H9.Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
  • K2.Department of Medicine, Solna
  • UF.Professional Services
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