What can you do to promote a sustainable campus?

KI:s sustainability efforts include environmental and social responsibility in the way KI as an organisation is operated. Here are some tips on what you can do in your daily work to contribute to a sustainable campus.

Reduce energy use

KI has a large energy use due to extensive laboratory activities. You can help reduce energy use by:

  • When purchasing, buy energy-efficient equipment
  • Switch off appliances, including computers and monitors, that are not in use
  • Use fume hood (dragskåp) effectively

Meet and travel with low climate impact

Business trips is a great part of KI's climate impact. You can help reduce the climate impact of travel and meetings by:

  • Read KI's guidelines for travel
  • Consider whether it is necessary to travel to meet, or whether it is possible to meet digitally
  • Choose trains over flights if possible
  • Use the shuttle bus between KI's campus areas
  • Use KI's guide to sustainable events when planning a meeting or conference

Procurement and purchasing

KI must consider the sustainability perspective in all procurement. By setting environmental and social requirements for procurement and purchasing, KI can contribute to improving both the external environment and people's living and working conditions. You can contribute by:

  • Think about whether the purchase is really needed or whether the need can be solved in another way
  • When you buy food, choose dishes with a low climate impact, such as vegetarian food
  • When possible, set requirements for the goods or services, eg energy use, transport or packaging. The procurement and purchasing unit can help you.

Laboratory safety

KI's laboratory activities handle a large number of chemicals and biological agents. KI's laboratory safety work aims to minimize the risk of people or nature being exposed to environmentally and health hazardous substances. You can contribute by:

  • Reduce the use of hazardous chemicals
  • Try to replace hazardous chemicals with less hazardous ones
  • Ensure that you have the right knowledge for handling chemicals and chemical waste


KI generates a large amount of waste every year. This waste has a major impact on the climate and the environment. The priority should be to reduce the quantity of waste. Waste that cannot be eliminated shall be used as a resource.

You can contribute by:

  • Reduce the amount of packaging by, for example, setting requirements in procurements
  • Sort your waste into the categories available
  • Ensure that hazardous waste is handled correctly

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • C7.Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
Log in with KI-ID