What happens to my account when I stop working at KI?

When you leave KI, your account will be deactivated. Depending on your role, you may have access to your account for a limited time, and your data will be stored for a longer period. Emails, documents, and storage areas such as OneDrive will also be deleted.


Access to e-mail: ends the day after the end of employment.

E-mail (data and auto-reply) is saved for 30 days after end of employment.

Access to OneDrive: Ends the day after end of employment.

Files are saved for 60 days, during the last 30 days your immediate manager has access to files.

Postgraduate students

Access to e-mail: for 90 days after the end of employment.

E-mail (data and auto-reply) is saved for 120 days after end of employment (an additional 30 days after the 90 above).

Access to OneDrive: for 90 days after the end of employment.

Files are saved for an additional 60 days, during the last 30 days your immediate manager has access to files.

Example: PhD student with employment

If you, as a doctoral student, have an employment or affiliation that extends beyond the end date of your doctoral studies, that end date will also be the end date of your KI account.

For example, if you finished your studies on 1 June, you will have access to the account until 1 September.

On the other hand, if you have a job or employment that lasts until 30 November, you will have access to your account until then.

You will receive an automatic email 30 days before your account access ends, allowing you to save and share your data.

First and second-cycle students

Access to e-mail: for 365 days after the end of studies.

E-mail (data and auto-reply) is saved for an additional 30 days after the 365 days described above.

Access to OneDrive: for 365 days after the end of studies.

After 365 days, the files are saved for an additional 60 days before being fully deleted.

All used email addresses are quarantined for 10 years, so they can not be reused by anyone else. No personal information or other content is stored.

The e-mail will be deleted after 10 years. The only information remaining is the username (KI-ID), which will be quarantined in perpetuity.


  • Employees/affiliate accounts that are reactivated within 60 days after the last day will keep the contents of the Microsoft 365 account, such as emails and documents in OneDrive. After 60 days, the content will be deleted.
  • Employees/affiliate accounts reactivated later than 60 days will not keep the content in the Microsoft 365 account, such as emails and documents in OneDrive. All content has been deleted.
  • Postgraduate students can access their account for 90 days after leaving KI.
  • An automatic reply can be sent from the e-mail address for 30 days.

The regulations have been added so that data is not stored longer than necessary, according to GDPR.

Checklist for employees: before you leave KI

  • Set up auto-replies.
  • Hand over files that your manager needs access to. 

Checklist for you as a student: before you finish your studies

  • Set up auto-replies.
  • Before the account is closed, save files and emails that you want to keep in another storage space outside KI.

Enable auto-replies

A guide on how to enable auto-replies to your inbox can be found on KI Self Service.

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