Solitary work

This is a summary of the guidelines for solitary work. For complete information, please refer to the guidelines available in Swedish at the bottom of the page


Primarily to minimize the occurrence of solitary work at Karolinska Institutet (KI) and secondarily to prevent the risks associated with solitary work deemed necessary for the operation. 


These regulations apply to everyone who works or studies at KI. 


Solitary work should be limited and, if possible, completely avoided. Solitary work refers to work performed by employees in physical and/or social isolation from other people. Physical isolation means that the employee cannot contact others without using technical communication devices. Social isolation means that the employee cannot expect help from others in critical or risky situations due to working conditions (as per AFS 1892:03 Solitary Work). 

If solitary work cannot be avoided, the responsible manager or head (as below) together with the safety representative and the concerned employee/student must conduct a risk assessment. The risk assessment should result in concrete measures that need to be implemented to ensure that solitary work can be performed safety. 

If solitary work is to be allowed, the risk assessment must show that acceptable psychological and physical safety can be achieved without another person being present during the work/studies. 

In particular, laboratory work must have relevant accident preparedness. 

Responsibilities of the Responsible Manager (for employee) or Head or their delegate (for students) 

  • Initiate, conduct, and document the risk assessment together with the safety representative and and the concerned employee/student and take the necessary measures
  • Establish an emergency plan: If something happens
  • Ensure that training and information are provided to minimize accident risks
  • Follow up on preventive measure taken if solitary work must occur 

Responsibilities of the Employee/Student

  • Follow the routines established after the risk assessment 
  • Use special protective or work equipment if the risk assessment shows it is necessary
  • Participate in training and take part in information provided to minimize accident risks 
  • If incidents occur, employees and students must report the incident in the IA-system at KI and to their immediate manager or supervisor

The guideline in its entirety (in Swedish)

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