Articles and webinars on integrating sex or gender in research
Here we provide a dynamic list of articles and webinars that showcase how you can enrich your research by including aspects of sex or gender that are relevant to your work.
Articles and Webinars
Immune system adaptation during gender-affirming testosterone treatment. Lakshmikanth, T... Brodin, P. (2024). Nature, 633(8028), 155-164.
News and Views article: McCarthy, M. M. (2024). The immune system of trans men reveals how hormones shape immunity. Nature, 633(8028), 38-40.
Integrating gender analysis into research: reflections from the Gender-Net Plus workshop Cederroth CR et al. (2024), eClinicalMedicine Volume 74, 102728
Estrogen receptor activation remodels TEAD1 gene expression to alleviate hepatic steatosis Sommerauer C... Kutter C. Molecular Systems Biology 8 March 2024
Epigenetic modulators link mitochondrial redox homeostasis to cardiac function in a sex-dependent manner. ElBeck Z... Betsholtz, C. (2024). Nature Communications, 15(1), 1-23.
A toolkit for capturing a representative and equitable sample in health research. Retzer A... Calvert M (2023). Nature Medicine, 29(12), 3259-3267.
Xist ribonucleoproteins promote female sex-biased autoimmunity Dou DR... Chang HY. Cell Volume 187, Issue 3, 1 February 2024, Pages 733-749.e16
Related News article in Nature
CYP46A1-mediated cholesterol turnover induces sex-specific changes in cognition and counteracts memory loss in ovariectomized mice Latorre-Leal M... Maioli S. Science Advances 10,eadj1354(2024).
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Related The Conversation article
Sex differences in brain atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies Oltra J, Habich A... Ferreira D. (2023). Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Related KI News article
Epigenetic mechanisms underlying sex differences in the brain and behavior. Kundakovic M and Tickerhoof M. (2023) Trends Neurosci. 13:S0166-2236(23)00225-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37968206.
Sex differences in energy metabolism: Natural selection, mechanisms and consequences. Mauvais-Jarvis, F. (2023). Nature Reviews Nephrology, 1-14.
Esr1+ hypothalamic-habenula neurons shape aversive states Nature Neuroscience, online 22 June 2023. Daniela Calvigioni, Janos Fuzik, Pierre Le Merre, Marina Slashcheva, Felix Jung, Cantin Ortiz, Antonio Lentini, Veronika Csillag, Marta Graziano, Ifigeneia Nikolakopoulou, Moritz Weglage, Iakovos Lazaridis, Hoseok Kim, Irene Lenzi, Hyunsoo Park, Björn Reinius, Marie Carlén, Konstantinos Meletis.
ARG1-expressing microglia show a distinct molecular signature and modulate postnatal development and function of the mouse brain Nature Neuroscience (2023) Jun;26(6):1008-1020. doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01326-3. Epub 2023 May 11. V Stratoulias... B Joseph
Statistical simulations show that scientists need not increase overall sample size by default when including both sexes in in vivo studies PLoS Biology (2023) June 8, 2023 B Phillips, TN Haschler, NA Karp
FPR2 shapes an immune-excluded pancreatic tumor microenvironment and drives T-cell exhaustion in a sex-dependent manner Cancer Research, online 15 March 2023, doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-22-2932. F He... D Sarhan.
Sex trouble: Sex/gender slippage, sex confusion, and sex obsession in machine learning using electronic health records. Albert K and Delano M. (2022) Patterns, 3(8).
Sex Differences in Clinical Features, Treatment, and Lifestyle Factors in Patients With Cluster Headache Neurology (2022) December 21. C Fourier... AC Belin
Multimorbidity and Sickness Absence/Disability Pension in Cluster Headache Patients and Matched References: A Swedish Register-Based Study Neurology (2022) December 14. C Ran... C Sjöstrand
Sex differences and risk factors for bleeding in Alagille syndrome EMBO Mol Med (2022)e15809 S. Hankeova... ER Andersson
Sex Differences in Mental Health Problems and Psychiatric Hospitalization in Autistic Young Adults JAMA Psychiatry 2022 Oct 26;e223475. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.3475. MI Martini... MJ Taylor
Sex- and age-dependent genetics of longevity in a heterogeneous mouse population Science 2022 Sep 30;377(6614):eabo3191. MB Sleiman... J Auwerx
Gene regulation by gonadal hormone receptors underlies brain sex differences Nature (2022). B Gegenhuber, MV Wu, R Bronstein & J Tollkuhn
Sex-specific multi-level 3D genome dynamics in the mouse brain Nature Communications 13: 3438 (2022) D Rock ... M Kundakovic
Sex Differences in the Recognition, Monitoring and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Health Care. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, July 29, 2022. O Swartling... Juan Jesus Carrero.
Androgen conspires with the CD8+ T cell exhaustion program and contributes to sex bias in cancer Science Immunology, 14 Apr 2022, DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abq2630
Age-associated impairment of T cell immunity is linked to sex-dimorphic elevation of N-glycan branching Nature Aging volume 2, pages231–242 (2022). H Mkhikian... M Demetriou
Formyl peptide receptor 2 determines sex-specific differences in the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 578 (2022). C Lee... Y Jung
Deep phenotyping of Alzheimer’s disease leveraging electronic medical records identifies sex-specific clinical associations Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 675 (2022). AS Tang... M Sirota
Long-term male-specific chronic pain via telomere- and p53‑mediated spinal cord cellular senescence J Clin Invest 2022 Apr 15;132(8):e151817. A Muralidharan... JS Mogil
Polymorphic estrogen receptor binding site causes Cd2-dependent sex bias in the susceptibility to autoimmune diseases Nature Communications 2021 Sep 22;12(1):5565. GF Lahore... R Holmdahl
Sexual dimorphism in glucose metabolism is shaped by androgen-driven gut microbiome Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 7080 (2021), A Gao... W Wang
X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in ~1% of men under 60 years old with life-threatening COVID-19. Science Immunology 20 Aug 2021, Vol 6, Issue 62. T Asano... J-L Casanova
Sex-specific phenotypic effects and evolutionary history of an ancient polymorphic deletion of the human growth hormone receptor Science Advances, 24 Sep 2021 • Vol 7, Issue 39
Kynurenic acid may underlie sex-specific immune responses to COVID-19 Science Signaling, 6 Jul 2021, Vol 14, Issue 690. Y Cai... CH Johnson
The impact of sex on gene expression across human tissues. Science 2020 11;369(6509). M Oliva... BE Stranger
Complement genes contribute sex-biased vulnerability in diverse disorders. Nature. 2020 May 11, N Kamitaki... SA McCarroll.
Male-Specific Conditioned Pain Hypersensitivity in Mice and Humans Curr Biol 2020 Feb 3;30(3):556-559. LJ Martin... JS Mogil
Type 2 diabetes risk gene Dusp8 regulates hypothalamic Jnk signaling and insulin sensitivity. J Clin Invest 2020;130(11):6093–6108. SC Schriever...PT Pfluger
Association of Sex With Severity of Coronary Artery Disease, Ischemia, and Symptom Burden in Patients With Moderate or Severe Ischemia. JAMA Cardiology 2020;5(7):773-786. HR Reynolds...Judith S. Hochman
What did you do yesterday? A meta-analysis of sex differences in episodic memory. Psychological Bulletin, 145(8), 785–821. M Asperholm... A Herlitz
Microbiome Influences Prenatal and Adult Microglia in a Sex-Specific Manner. Cell Volume 172, Issue 3, 25 January 2018, Pages 500-516.e16. MS Thion... S Garel.
Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping. Nat Communications 2018 Jan 18;9(1):288. J Rozman... M Hrabe de Angelis
Sex differences in lifespan extension with acarbose and 17-α estradiol: gonadal hormones underlie male-specific improvements in glucose tolerance and mTORC2 signaling. Aging Cell. 2017 Dec;16(6):1256-1266. M Garratt, B Bower, GG Garcia, RA Miller RA.
Prevalence of sexual dimorphism in mammalian phenotypic traits. Nat Commun 2017;8:15475. Karp NA... JK White
Gender Differences in Global but Not Targeted Demethylation in iPSC Reprogramming. Cell Reports Volume 18, Issue 5, 31 January 2017, Pages 1079-1089. I Milagre...W Reik.
Different immune cells mediate mechanical pain hypersensitivity in male and female mice. Nature Neuroscience volume 18, pages1081–1083 (2015). RE Sorge... JS Mogil.
Sex differences in the gut microbiome drive hormone-dependent regulation of autoimmunity. Science 339, 1084–1088 (2013). JGM Markle... JS Danska
Sex differences in skeletal muscle metabolism in exercise and type 2 diabetes mellitus. MacGregor, K., Ellefsen, S., Pillon, NJ., Hammarström, D., & Krook, A. (2025) Nature Reviews Endocrinology 21(3):166-179.
Challenges with embedding an integrated sex and gender perspective into pain research: Recommendations and opportunities. Keogh, E., & Boerner, K. E. (2024). Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 117, 112-121.
Reflecting on Progress in and Establishing Benchmarks for Sex and Gender Health Education. Barr E... Werbinski J. January 2024. Academic Medicine 99(1):p 16-21| DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005444
Sex hormone fluctuation and increased female risk for depression and anxiety disorders: From clinical evidence to molecular mechanisms Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology (online ahead of print) M Kundakovic and D Rock
Gender dimension in cardio-pulmonary continuum Front Cardiovasc Med 2022 Aug 8;9:916194. L Hernandez... K Kublickiene, GOING-FWD Consortium
Sex dimorphism in the tumor microenvironment – From bench to bedside and back F He, AR Furones, Nils Landegren, J Fuxe, D Sarhan. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2022 86(3):166-179.
Illuminating the Mechanisms Underlying Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Disease Circulation Research 2022;130:1747–1762. K Reue and CB Wiese
An analysis of neuroscience and psychiatry papers published from 2009 and 2019 outlines opportunities for increasing discovery of sex differences Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 2137 (2022). RK Rechlin... LAM Galea
Science Forum: Sex differences and sex bias in human circadian and sleep physiology research eLife 2022;11:e65419 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.65419. M Spitchan... R White
The X in seX-biased immunity and autoimmune rheumatic disease J Exp Med 2022 Jun 6;219(6):e20211487. N Jiwrajka and MC Anguera
Lack of consideration of sex and gender in COVID-19 clinical studies Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 4015 (2021). E Brady.. S Oertelt-Prigione
Sex as an important factor in nanomedicine Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 2984 (2021). MJ Hajipour... M Mahmoudi
Sex differences in immune responses Science 2021: Vol. 371, Issue 6527, pp. 347-348, Takehiro Takahashi and Akiko Iwasaki
Gender-related variables for health research Biology of Sex Differences 12, 23 (2021). Nielsen MW... Schiebinger L
Sex and gender: modifiers of health, disease, and medicine Lancet 2020 Aug 22;396(10250):565-582. F Mauvais-Jarvis... A Suzuki
Nyfiken på köns- och genusskillnader i hälsa? Medicinsk Vetenskap nr 3 2020
Reproducibility of animal research in light of biological variation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 02 June 2020, 21, pages 384–393. Voelkl B... Hanno Würbel
Considering how biological sex impacts immune responses and COVID-19 outcomes. Nature Reviews Immunology 11 June 2020 EP Scully... SL Klein
Sex hormones signal why virus hits men harder. Science 05 Jun 2020: Vol. 368, Issue 6495, pp. 1038-1039. Meredith Wadman
Doing better: eleven ways to improve the integration of sex and gender in health research proposals Research Integrity and Peer Review volume 5, Article number: 15 (2020). R Mason
Qualitative sex differences in pain processing: emerging evidence of a biased literature. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2020 May 21, JS Mogil
Sex and Gender Differences in Health: What the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Teach Us. Annals of Internal Medicine: 8 May 2020, doi:10.7326/M20-1941. PA Spagnolo, JE Manson, H Joffe.
Clinical Advances in Sex- and Gender-InformedMedicine to Improve the Health of All JAMA Intern Med. 2020;180(4):574-583. D Bartz... JE Manson
Sex as a Biological Variable: A 5-Year Progress Report and Call to Action. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2020 Jan 22. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2019.8247. ME Arnegard, LA Whitten, C Hunter, JA Clayton
The role of sex in the genomics of human complex traits. Nature Reviews Genetics 2019 Aug;20(8):494. doi: 10.1038/s41576-019-0148-9. EA Khramtsova, LK Davis, BE Stranger.
Sex and gender analysis improves science and engineering. | Nature | Vol 575 | 7 November 2019 | C Tannenbaum, RP Ellis, F Eyssel, J Zou & L Schiebinger
Why the sexes don’t feel pain the same way. Nature 567, 448-450 (2019) A. Dance
Sex Differences in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: State of the Art and Identification of Research Gaps. Hepatology, Vol. 70, No. 4, 2019. A. Lonardo... A. Suzuki
Sexual Dimorphism in the Age of Genomics: How, When, Where. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10.3389/fcell.2019.00186, 7, (2019). DF Deegan and N Engel
Sexual dimorphism in SLE: above and beyond sex hormones. Lupus 2019 Jan;28(1):3-10.Christou EAA...Boumpas DT
Sex-Gender Variable: Methodological Recommendations for Increasing Scientific Value of Clinical Studies Cells. 2019 May 17;8(5):476. F Franconi, I Campesi, D Colombo, P Antonini
Rationale and tutorial for analysing and reporting sex differences in cardiovascular associations. Heart, 2019 M Woodward
Applying the new SABV (sex as a biological variable) policy to research and clinical care. Physiology & Behavior Vol 187, 1 April 2018, p 2-5. JA Clayton
Nature and implications of sex differences in AD pathology Nature Reviews Neurology volume 15, pages6–8 (2019). RB Mofrad & WM. van der Flier
Considering sex as a biological variable in preclinical research. FASEB J. 2017 Jan;31(1):29-34. Miller LR... Clayton JA.
Sex matters for mechanism. Science Translational Medicine 15 Oct 2014: Vol. 6, Issue 258, pp. 258fs40. JS Danska
First steps for integrating sex and gender considerations into basic experimental biomedical research FASEB J 2014 Jan;28(1):4-13. SA Ritz... D Mergler
Female mice liberated for inclusion in neuroscience and biomedical research. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 40 (2014) 1-5. BJ Prendergast, KG Onishi, I Zucker
Sex and gender differences in health. EMBO reports VOL 13 | NO 7 | 2012 V Regitz-Zagrosek
Sex-specific genetic architecture of human disease. Nature Reviews Genetics 9, 911–922 (2008) C. Ober, DA Loisel, Y Gilad
Webinars and workshops
'Sex As a Biological Variable (SABV) Policy and Sex-Inclusive Research: Making Progress, Taking Stock, and Visioning the Future' 2023 webinar hosted by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Sex and Gender in Health and Disease (SGHD) Scientific Interest Group (SIG).
Recordings of GENDER-NET Plus's Final Dissemination Conference “Promoting And Implementing The Sex And Gender Dimension Into Research” (13-14 Feb 2023)
Video on how to consider sex/gender in brain research — 2022 webinar hosted by the Human Brain Project, EU
Sex immune dimorphism in cancer -- Towards gender-optimized (genderized) immunotherapy. 2022 presentation by Dhifaf Sarhan, Associate Professor at LABMED, KI
Sex bias in preclinical research, why it exists and how to drive change. Webinar by Natasha Karp, Director of Biostatistics, Quantitative Biology, Discovery Science, R&D, Astrazeneca, UK. November 26, 2021
'Pain, sex and death' webinar, Jeff S Mogil, McGill University, February 4, 2021
'Teach 1 Reach 1 - Academia’s Roll Call', a webinar on academia's role in incorporating sex and gender into research. July 8, 2021
'Sex and gender dimension in frontier research', online workshop organised by the European Research Council, EU (16 November, 2020)
Funding opportunities
Gender in research fellowship -- Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) | Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NL
Learn how to integrate a sex and gender dimension in health research and clinical practice. The ZonMw Gender and Health Program is offering Gender in Research Fellowships for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to attend the Gender and Health course and participate in the Gender in Research workshops at the Erasmus Summer Programme from 14-18 August 2023.
'Sex As a Biological Variable (SABV) Policy and Sex-Inclusive Research: Making Progress, Taking Stock, and Visioning the Future' 2023 webinar hosted by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Sex and Gender in Health and Disease (SGHD) Scientific Interest Group (SIG).
Recordings of GENDER-NET Plus's Final Dissemination Conference “Promoting And Implementing The Sex And Gender Dimension Into Research” (13-14 Feb 2023)
Video on how to consider sex/gender in brain research — 2022 webinar hosted by the Human Brain Project, EU
Sex immune dimorphism in cancer -- Towards gender-optimized (genderized) immunotherapy. 2022 presentation by Dhifaf Sarhan, Associate Professor at LABMED, KI
Sex bias in preclinical research, why it exists and how to drive change. Webinar by Natasha Karp, Director of Biostatistics, Quantitative Biology, Discovery Science, R&D, Astrazeneca, UK. November 26, 2021
'Pain, sex and death' webinar, Jeff S Mogil, McGill University, February 4, 2021
'Teach 1 Reach 1 - Academia’s Roll Call', a webinar on academia's role in incorporating sex and gender into research. July 8, 2021
'Sex and gender dimension in frontier research', online workshop organised by the European Research Council, EU (16 November, 2020)
Funding opportunities
Gender in research fellowship -- Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) | Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NL
Learn how to integrate a sex and gender dimension in health research and clinical practice. The ZonMw Gender and Health Program is offering Gender in Research Fellowships for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to attend the Gender and Health course and participate in the Gender in Research workshops at the Erasmus Summer Programme from 14-18 August 2023.