
In Karolinska institutet bookable premises AV-Support manages and provides support for all permanently installed audio and video equipment.

Hybrid meeting via Zoom Room

Zoom Room clients are installed on several locations at KI campuses.

In Scheelesalen, in Solna, and de Verdiersalen, in Flemingsberg, there are Zoom Room clients integrated with the room AV-equipment. This means that the user can utilize the room cameras, microphones, speakers and video screens to participate in any Zoom meeting. The system is built for hybrid meetings and can be a convenient tool within education.

There are several ways in which one can connect the room system to the Zoom cloud service but by far the most convenient way is to just add the room as participant from an already existing Zoom meeting. A guide for this is available further down this page as well as on the respective room pages. The Zoom Room function, as well as all other AV equipment, is included with the booking of the facility.

It is highly recommended that the Zoom Room user learns how the system works before booking the system for sharp meetings. Please book demonstrations and hands on labs on how to use the function by e-mailing AV-Support. This is mainly to get comfortable with the equipment handling and to know what to expect in different scenarios. 

Hybrid meeting via BYOD

In contrast to rooms equipped with Zoom Room clients, equipment in the following facilities allow for hybrid meetings using your own computer. The speakers, microphones and camera are presented to the computer via USB:


Jacob Berzelius, Andreas Vesalius, Cesar, Samuelssonsalen, Petrén, Inghesalen


4Y, H2, Erna Möllersalen

Please refer to this quick reference guide:

  • Start the room AV system using the touch panel
  • Connect the USB cable from the lectern to your computer
  • Start a video meeting software of your choice
  • Choose "Shure P300" as speaker and microphone
  • Choose "USB Capture SDI" as camera


All hands on demonstrations as well as technical startups and best practices walkthroughs are completely free of charge.

AV-support does not currently have the possibility to sit in user meetings or handle equipment live due to the fact that it takes too much time from the main jour function of the role. Therefore it is extra important that users get comfortable with the intended equipment as much as possible.

In order to book live technicians for events in these two facilities or any other hybrid facility please e-mail your requests and we will help find the best solution. AV-Support can recommend external technicians for hybrid events but cannot act as middleman for invoices. 

Support on site is given as usual by calling the number found further down this page.

Recording of lecture

The lecture halls Jan-Åke Gustafssonsalen, Erna Möllersalen, Samuelssonsalen and Eva & Georg Klein allow for recording on a USB memory, which the user brings. These halls are currently the only bookable premises that allow recording via installed equipment. Please contact AV-support on each campus in conjunction with the booking for technical support before and during a meeting that's recorded in this way.

In order to record a lecture in any room other than those mentioned above, equipment can be borrowed and rigged by AV-Support in consultation with the organizer. Important in this case is that the intended venue is booked an additional hour before the start of the meeting to allow rigging and user support together with the organizer. Please contact AV-support on the respective campus in connection with the booking to also book support.

Borrow camera and microphone

Kits with camera on tripod together with a microphone for up to 10 participants can also be borrowed on both campuses. These are connected via USB to the user's own computer for recording voice audio and / or camera to Power Point / computer image.

The above kit can also be used for Zoom, with or without recording, and for streaming via Zoom or other software. The equipment is plug-n-play for both windows and mac and no software or administrative rights are required to use it. The equipment can only be borrowed on occasion and never for an extended period of time. If equipment is needed for longer than 1 weekday, AV-support recommends that the user invest in his or her own equipment.

AV support lends a kit along with operating instructions and if time is given, also demonstration and advice on best usage, together with the user. Since AV-support is primarily an on-call role, it is not possible for AV-support to sit throughout the meeting without this being explicitly requested and accepted at the time of booking.

If a camera man, audio mixer (role), image mixer (role), producer, post-production technician or other media production role is desired, then plaese refer to the relevant procurment blanket. More information is provided by AV-support.

Computers in the halls

Lecture halls at KI are generally not equipped with computers and AV-support does not provide software or computers in any form. Please bring your own computer or contact the responsible institution or organizer for any computer loan.

However, some halls include a desktop computer - there are some halls in the Widerströmska house and the halls Jan-Åke Gustafssonsalen, Erna Möllersalen and Eva & Georg Klein.

To use the computers in Widerströmska, a KI account is required, which is held by KI staff and affiliates. If you have a KI account, you log in to the computer with the account information and can then access internet, the MS Office package with for example PowerPoint and display the computer's image on the room screen. The halls in question are stated to contain this equipment in the hall's description in TimeEdit and at ki.se.

Lecture halls Jan-Åke Gustafssonsalen, Erna Möllersalen and Eva & Georg Klein offer a computer without a requirement for KI account but without internet access. You are instead adviced to bring a USB memory with your material on. This also works as a good backup solution in case a connected computer runs out of battery or fails to output image etc.

Image from computer

The majority of the halls at KI have image connections with HDMI and VGA connectors.
Use only one (1) of the two varieties per input at a time. If both are used at the same time, HDMI will be given preference. In many cases, you need to manually select which connection to display and where, in the control panel.

Using HDMI, audio from the computer is output through the same cable, while VGA requires an additional connection of an audio cable - this cable is stuck to the VGA cable or lies freely in the cable compartment and fits in the headphone output of the computer (or smartphone etc.).

If you do not have any of the aforementioned image outputs on your computer, you will need to use an adapter to display the image from the computer. If you have a computer with display port, display port mini, thunderbolt or other digital port then we recommend a adapter for HDMI for best picture quality.

It is recommended to always use HDMI as the primary choice as it provides the best image quality in AV systems at KI. If for some reason, however, image cannot be correctly output using HDMI, you can try to use VGA if possible. VGA is indirectly backward compatible with most other connections, via adapter, and does not use signal encryption.

If the image is not displayed correctly and show for example colours such as pink, blue or green color, or and image that flashes or disappears completely after a while, try the following in order: change image connection, change adapter, restart the computer, restart the AV system and finally change computer. If none of this fixes the error, please contact AV Support. If we do not succeed in solving the problem together directly on site, we will offer to switch the meeting into a different venue closeby, if that is technically possible and desirable.

AV-support and its AV technicians are never responsible for the user's equipment, its condition, its intended handling and the like.

Out of respect for everyone's time, it is recommended that technical setup and startup take place well in advance of the start of the actual meeting so that any technical issues and user questions are addressed before the meeting starts. Call immediately if something doesn't seem right or if you are unsure of anything regaring the AV equipment av the venue - it may take a few minutes for someone to arrive. Brave tech-interested students may prefer to be the caller, rather than trying to fix everything themselves (spoiler alert - they usually don't).

Audio from computer

The control panel in the auditorium controls the audio volume from of a connected computer.

If you use HDMI, the control panel is the only way to increase and decrease the volume, as the computer via HDMI always outputs maximum volume. Therefore, when presenting audio, it is always recommended to test the audio volume in the auditorium before starting the actual meeting, in order to preserve the audience's ears and GABA levels. Using VGA (audio via headphone output on the computer), you can also control the volume on the computer itself.

Aim for maximum volume from the computer to start with and then use the control panel to lower if needed.

If you want to play audio via connected HDMI but no sound is heard, it is usually because your computer's audio settings need to be manually adjusted to output through HDMI. However, this switching is oftentimes done automatically when connecting the HDMI cable.

In some venues, audio from the audio input in the hall can also be played back even though HDMI in the selected source - for example, those in Biomedicum, Neo and Scheele. Plug the audio cable into any source and play. This setup can serve as playback of lounge music or audio samples from a device other than the image source. The sound heard will be mixed with audio from any HDMI source and that from active microphones.

In general tjhough, only 1 sound source can be used at a time, except from the few examples mentioned above.


All major bookable premises, such as lecture halls, at KI are equipped with speech enhancement in the form of wireless headset microphones and in many cases also wireless hand-held microphones.

If the sound is not loud enough, first try adjusting the position of the microphone. When using a headset, you may sometimes need to adjust the jumper to get a better fit and thus a better microphone position. If the jumper is stiff (by design) then you can adjust the jumper position on the head instead. Speak clearly and relatively strongly even with speech enhancement.

There are no controls for adjusting the output volume of the microphones as the installed AV systems conform to the applicable laws and regulations for sound pressure levels in public environments. If a microphone always produces low sound please contact AV-support.

Jan-Åke Gustafssonsalen and Bengt Winbladsalen have no wireless microphones at all, instead there are microphones mounted in the ceiling that capture and reproduce the naturally occurring sound in the hall using a myriad of small speakers, also mounted in the ceiling. The algorithms used for this enhancement are controlled using the control panel and can be set to just a few diffent scenarios. Feel free to test this out before the meeting starts to make sure that the person(s) speaking will understand how easy it is and what tone of voice is required for everyone to hear her or him well.


Please contact AV-Support on respective campus for emergency assistance with the AV equipment in bookable premises. We also assist with demonstration of the equipment as well as recommendations on the use and purchase of own equipment. This is especially valuable at more prestigious meetings and events where you want to be extra confident that the technology will work.

AV-support is happy to help start meetings of all kinds, but reserves the right to spend a maximum of about 1 hour on booked support. In the case of emergency support, the response time (from answered call to start of troubleshooting) is usually between 5-10 minutes depending on the current work load and staff availability.


AV Support Flemingsberg

Phone: +46 (0) 8 524 877 75

E-mail: av-support-huddinge@ki.se


AV Support Solna

Phone: +46 (0) 8 524 864 13

E-mail: av-support-solna@ki.se


Content reviewer:
Åsa Rauger