CLINTEC:s environmental plan for procurement and purchasing

KI has data about its emissions from the consumption of goods and services. Wherever possible, sustainability and climate requirements are included in all relevant procurements, call-offs and purchases. These requirements are followed up.

CLINTEC Environmental Plan 2021-2024. The focus areas with description of the 2024 targets, connection to Karolinska University Hospital’s (KS) Environmental Plan (EP), examples of activities, persons responsible for these, and how to report to the Work Environment Group are shown.

Upphandling och inköp
Assignment Similar goals in KS’s EP Examples of activities Responsible What can be reported?
Reduce the consumption of goods, e.g., by borrowing products from each other, coordinating purchases of chemicals and reviewing the use of single-use products Use of consumables (containing PVC and phthalates) must be reduced. Increase the number of reusable products. KI central website for the exchange of used furniture, equipment and computers
Avoid single-use products Everyone who buys products Number of exchanges
Reduce paper consumption by approving electronic signatures (EduSign) in all documents Administration on all levels (EduSign) EduSign becomes an approved procedure for all documents at CLINTEC
Responsibility for climate and sustainability requirements set in procurements to ensure that purchases have the lowest possible environmental and climate impact Include sustainability requirements in purchasing and procurement Sustainability requirements are set for each procurement Everyone who handles procurements The number of procurements in which sustainability requirements have been included
Work for reduced packaging in purchasing and procurement Set requirements for reduced packaging in procurements. Choose products with minimal packaging Everyone who buys products Number of purchases where packaging requirements have been set
When serving food, choose alternatives with low environmental and climate impact in accordance with the Sustainable Event Guide Sustainability requirements are set before meetings and conferences where food is served Everyone who buys food/catering The guide is available on the website
The Sustainable Event Guide is known and used Number of meetings in which sustainable food has been served
Content reviewer:
Åsa Catapano