CLINTEC:s environmental plan for education on the first-, second- and third cycle levels

There are intended learning outcomes in all educational programmes where students will acquire knowledge and skills in the field of climate change and health as part of teaching related to sustainable development.

CLINTEC Environmental Plan 2021-2024. The focus areas with description of the 2024 targets connection to Karolinska University Hospital’s (KS) Environmental Plan (EP), examples of activities, persons responsible for these, and how to report to the Work Environment Group are shown.

AssignmentSimilar goals in KS’s EPExamples of activitiesResponsibleWhat can be reported?
Work for intended learning outcomes in all educational programmes on the first- and second-cycle levels to ensure that students acquire knowledge and skills about the climate and sustainable development.-Intended learning outcomes are planned for the programmes in which CLINTEC is responsible for course coordination: audiology, radiography and speech and language pathologyProgramme directorsIntended learning outcomes for programmes
Work for intended learning outcomes on climate and sustainable development in relevant courses on the third-cycle level-Intended learning outcomes are planned for the courses that CLINTEC has at the third-cycle levelCourse coordinatorsIntended learning outcomes for courses
Where possible, with regard to quality and internationalisation aspects, use digital working methods in courses and other activitiesSolutions for increased digitalisationDigital equipment adapted for teaching is acquired Teaching online Courses saved on CanvasProgramme directorsNeeds for digital equipment surveyed and plan for updating made Number of teaching sessions online Number of courses saved on Canvas
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