Course evaluation for courses at the undergraduate and advanced level

The course evaluation questionnaire shall consist of the five general questions and an optional open question. In addition, program or course specific questions can be added. The course evaluation questionnaire should not contain more than 20 questions. Course evaluation questionnaires at KI should have the same introduction so that all students receive the same information.

KI's five general questions

All course evaluation questionnaires, for courses at undergraduate and advanced level at KI, must contain these five general questions:

  1. In my view, I have developed valuable expertise/skills during the course.
  2. In my view, I have achieved all the intended learning outcomes of the course.
  3. In my view, there was a common theme running throughout the course – from learning outcomes to examinations.
  4. In my view, the course has promoted a scientific way of thinking and reasoning (e.g. analytical and critical thinking, independent search for and evaluation of information).
  5. In my view, during the course, the teachers have been open to ideas and opinions about the course’s structure and content.

Students evaluate the questions on a 5-points rating scale: To a very small extent; to a small extent; to some extent; to a large extent; to a very large extent.

Program-specific questions

The program director can contact Zoe Säflund (Unit for Teaching and Learning) to help select questions from the question bank, translate the questions into English, and create a program-specific template in KI Survey.

Keep in mind that the course evaluation questionnaire should not contain more than 20 questions.

Course-specific questions

Course leaders may contact Zoe Säflund (Unit for Teaching and Learning) to help select questions from the question bank and translate the questions into English.

Keep in mind that the course evaluation questionnaire should not contain more than 20 questions.

The standard introduction to the course evaluation questionnaire

Dear student,

This survey refers to the course [the name of the course], that you have just completed. The responses to this survey will help us improve the course. They will also contribute to the development of education throughout the Karolinska Institutet since the first five questions will be used for all courses taught at KI.

After analysis of the answers, a summary of the results will be presented to the students who took part in the course. This summary will, for example, describe developments planned for the course in the future, making it visible for you and your fellow students how you have contributed to an improvement of the course. Yours answers to the survey will be anonymous.

Some of the questions relate to the learning outcomes that can be found below. Please read them carefully before you answer the questionnaire.

Thank you very much for your participation!

[The course's intended learning outcomes are added here]


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Zoe Säflund

Educational developer