Course evaluation process – a manual
Here you will find information about the course evaluations in KI Survey, a tool for course evaluation surveys and data collection.
Course evaluations in Canvas
As a teacher or course administrator, you can now create your course evaluations (undergraduate and advanced level) directly in Canvas. Course evaluations in Canvas
Each program on the first and second cycle have a ready-made template for the course evaluation at KI Survey.
The template contains the five general questions, which are mandatory for all course evaluations at KI. It also contains a standard introduction and three e-mails and the other correct settings that must apply to all course evaluation at KI. Each program has a program-specific template. It is important that you use the program template when creating your course questionnaire so that the automatic settings are correct.
Create survey
1. Click Survey/New survey/New survey from template.
NOTE! Chose the template for your programme (search for name of programme and click enter)
2. Click next
3. Name the survey: Course code_Course name_Term (example: 5MT008 Applied communication HT22)
4. Click: Finish
5. Under Construction, click on the icon with the pen in the right corner to edit.
6. Mark [The course's intended learning outcomes are added here] and paste the courses intended learning outcomes that you find in syllabus.

7. If you have got course specific question to add to the survey you do that in this view. You can easily import questions from old surveys, see instructions here.
8. Click save and close.
9. Once you have finished the survey, go back to the first page by clicking on the course name in the left corner and then Finish construction. If you would need to change anything to the survey later you can always go back and open it again.

10. Click on Distribution/Settings in the left menu.
11. Choose the dates for the survey to be open. Startdate the last day of the course and finsishdate 14 days later.
12. Click Save (disc in the top menu)
13. Click Respondents (left menu)
14. Click Import respondents and choose from an Email list
15. Paste all email addresses (list from Ladok). Save.

16. Click on Distribution/email and letters (left menu)
17. On each email
- Set the date for the email to be sent (if you can’t choose date the construction hasn’t been finished, see point 10)
- Control that the link for the survey is active
Quick guide in 7 steps
- Find the right template for your course
- Name your survey in the format: 5MT008 Applied communication HT22
- Add the ILO to the introduction text
- Finish Construction!
- Put the publishing period to 14 days
- Add respondents (easiest by just adding the email addresses from Ladok)
- Three emails are already prepared. All you need is to add are the dates (if you can’t add the date you have forgotten to finish the construction).
Distributing reports
If you have been using the programme template for your course, two reports will be created automatically after the surveys closing date. An automatic mail saying that the report is done is sent to the creator of the survey. This link will also be sent automatically to all respondents of the survey.
Links for the reports is replacing the former PDFs. You find the reports at the bottom of the first page of the survey in KI survey.
- Short - Without text answers. This link should be published on the course open web and on Canvas. This link will be sent automatically to all respondents of the survey.
- Full - Includes all text and should be sent to course leader.

By clicking on the report you find the link to the report that should be published. If you wish to send the report as PDF you find a button with the text PDF at the top of the report.

Exporting the results
An Excel-file with raw data for each course evaluation should be sent to the Evaluation unit.
Limit of respondents
To ensure the anonymity of the students, it has been decided with a limit of five respondents for course evaluation surveys. This means that results and reports from surveys with fewer than five responses will be be exported. For questions, contact Zoe Säflund.