Erasmus+ - teacher exchanges and staff training
Get to know your European colleagues through an exchange in another European country. Erasmus+ supports you as a student, teacher, and administrative staff to gain international experiences and contacts.

Teacher exchange
There are certain procedures that are specific to teacher exchanges within Erasmus+. Read more in Guide to teacher exchange in Erasmus+.
You can read about general procedures that apply to all teacher exchanges, regardless of the exchange program, on International exchange for teachers and staff.
Staff training
Are you interested in competence development? Erasmus+ offers the opportunity for staff training at universities, organizations, companies or schools in other European countries. Your training has to last at least two days (maximum 6 weeks) and the purpose has to be to increase your competence level. As teacher you can also do a staff training. The remuneration is the same as for teacher exchanges. Read more about Guide to Erasmus+ staff exchange.
Remuneration levels
The levels are determined by the rules of the specific scholarship fund from which the funds are taken. Since a breakpoint occurs 31 July, 2025, where new rules come into effect, you should use the table with standard amounts that corresponds to your planned exchange period – either before or after this date.
Travel remuneration (until 250731)
Distance | Remuneration |
100-499 km | 180 Euro |
500-1999 km | 275 Euro |
2000-2999 km | 360 Euro |
3000-3999 km | 530 Euro |
4000-7999 km | 820 Euro |
8000- | 1 500 Euro |
Receiving country | Remuneration per day |
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, UK | 180 Euro |
Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Austria | 160 Euro |
Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia,Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, Turkey, Hungary | 140 Euro |
Expensive tickets
If the standard amounts above do not cover at least 70% of the actual ticket cost, up to 80% of the actual ticket cost can be covered. The maximum amount that can be paid based on a cost of SEK 7000 per ticket, i.e. SEK 5600. This applies to trips that start after September 1, 2024. Attach a copy of the ticket when funds are requested!
Remuneration per day (from 250801)
Country | Remuneration per day (Euro) |
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway | 180 |
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain | 160 |
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye | 140 |
Travel remuneration (from 250801)
Distance | Green travel (Euro) | Non-green travel (Euro) |
10 - 99 km | 56 | 28 |
100 - 499 km | 285 | 211 |
500 - 1999 km | 417 | 309 E |
2000 - 2999 km | 535 | 395 |
3000 - 3999 km | 785 | 580 |
4000 - 7999 km | 1188 | 1188 |
8000 KM - | 1735 | 1735 |
Contact trip/preparation visit
Are you interested in establishing a new cooperation within the Erasmus+ programme? If so, you can apply for funding for preparatory visits or evaluation visits. The compensation rules are the same as for teacher and staff exchanges within Erasmus+, and funds can be granted for one person from the educational program and a coordinator from the International Office.
Opportunities for doctoral students
As a PhD students at KI you can participate in teacher exchange in the some way as other teaching staff. If you are employed as a PhD student you can also participate in staff training.
Other collaboration opportunities within Erasmus+
Within Erasmus+, there are also other collaboration opportunities, such as capacity building, knowledge alliances, and partnership collaborations. More information about the application process at KI can be found on the Grants Office pages.