Erasmus+ - teacher exchanges and staff training
Opportunities for teachers and staff in the Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ promotes the European dimension in higher education in Europe. The programme supports mobility among students, teachers and administrative staff.
Teacher exchange
Read the general routines for teacher exchanges
Specific for Erasmus+
- A bilateral Erasmus agreement must be in place.
- You must teach KI students, i.e. be a teacher, a doctoral student or a clinical supervisor for KI students.
- The teacher exchange has to comprise at least 8 teaching hours and at least two days.
- You have to teach students at the partner university.
- You must have a signed, written agreement with the partner university prior to the exchange (Teaching Programme).
- The remuneration is based on the distance from the home university to the destination (Link to "Distance Calculator") and living costs in the destination country. The remuneration is fixed, regardless of the actual costs for the exchange.
- You may also combine teaching with staff training (see below). In that case the teaching requirement is four hrs.
Travel remuneration (subject to change)
Distance | Remuneration |
100-499 km | 180 Euro |
500-1999 km | 275 Euro |
2000-2999 km | 360 Euro |
3000-3999 km | 530 Euro |
4000-7999 km | 820 Euro |
8000- | 1 500 Euro |
Receiving country | Remuneration per day |
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Norway, UK | 180 Euro |
Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Austria | 160 Euro |
Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia,Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, Turkey, Hungary | 140 Euro |
Expensive tickets
If the standard amounts above do not cover at least 70% of the actual ticket cost, up to 80% of the actual ticket cost can be covered. The maximum amount that can be paid based on a cost of SEK 7000 per ticket, i.e. SEK 5600. This applies to trips that start after September 1, 2024. Attach a copy of the ticket when funds are requested!
- You have to write two travel reports after the exchange, one internal for KI (a blog post is preferred) and one directly to Erasmus+ (will be emailed to you after the exchange is completed).
- If you have been a patient, or been teaching at a foreign hospital, you are required to do an MRSA-test before returning to work, see document MRSA info.
What do I have to do?
Read general routines for teacher exchanges.
Then contact Kelly Grahn at the International Relations Office for more information regarding registering of your exchange and about the paperwork required for your exchange.
Incoming teacher are administered by their home universities who also administer their remuneration.
Teacher exchanges outside Erasmus countries
From autumn semester 2022 there are some new options for teacher exchanges to countries that are not regular Erasmus countries. Minimum stay is five days, and there is remuneration per day, as well as for travel depending on the distance to the teaching destination. Please contact Kelly Grahn if you wish to discuss this option.
Staff Training
Are you interested in competence development? Erasmus+ offers the opportunity for staff training at universities, organizations, companies or schools in other European countries. Your training has to last at least two days (maximum 6 weeks) and the purpose has to be to increase your competence level. The remuneration is the same as for teacher exchanges, see above.
Visit our blog for more inspiration on teacher and staff exchanges!
Who can apply for staff training?
All employees at Karolinska Institutet, from all lines of work. The competence development always has to be of value to the work you are currently doing.
What is regarded as staff training in Erasmus+?
- Job shadowing at other universities or companies/organisations.
- Courses, seminars or workshops (not conferences), for example courses arranged by EAIE Academy. Some activities suitable for staff exchange are presented here
Prior to application - find a host at a university or an organization
Staff training can take place in all EU countries including some special regions, and in the EES countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and in Turkey.
The host university must have an Erasmus+ charter, ECHE:
If you wish to train at an organization, you have to make all the contacts by yourself and discuss content, times, planning and goals for the training. After you agree on a programme you can apply using the form below. Don't forget to also discuss your plans with your closest supervisor.
Application procedure
Fill out the application and contact Kelly Grahn if you have any questions.
Application for staff training
Staff exchanges outside Erasmus countries
From autumn semester 2022 there are some new options for staff exchanges to countries that are not regular Erasmus countries. Minimum stay is five days, and there is remuneration per day, as well as for travel depending on the distance to the training destination. Please contact Kelly Grahn if you wish to discuss this option.
Contact trip/preparation visit
Are you interested in establishing a new cooperation within the Erasmus+ programme? You have to make the first contact with a partner university by yourself and contact Kelly Grahn before you start making more definite travel plans. Teachers and staff actively involved in the internationalisation of study programmes at KI can receive Erasmus+ funding for contact trips. The remuneration is the same as for teacher exchanges, see above.
Follow up or evaluation of existing agreements
You can get funding for:
- visiting your own students while they are on exchange, in order to facilitate credit recognition
- visiting a partner university where you need to discuss possible complications
Application for contact trip or follow up trip
Send an email to Kelly Grahn if you are interested in a contact trip or a follow up trip. Please state which university you intend to visit, participants, dates, reasons for the visit and expected results. Your department will get reimbursed after the visit.Options for PhD students
As a PhD students at KI you can participate in teacher exchange in the some way as other teaching staff. If you are employed as a PhD student you can also participate in staff training.