How can my students get support?

Learning in English will be new to most of your students. Here you can find support for students who are new to learning in English.

Academic Writing Support

KI Academic Writing Support helps students improve their academic communication skills. Students can make appointments free of charge to discuss their work and receive professional feedback on the structure, style and language of their texts. 

This support service helps students identify areas in their writing that would benefit from revision and provides them with the tools needed to work on the specific texts they need help with as well as improve their English-language writing skills overall.

Academic Writing Support also offers workshops on topics such as:

  • Using sources effectively and avoiding plagiarism
  • Academic writing - writing clearly
  • Giving an oral presentation
  • Reading academic texts in English
  • Improving your study skills

Workshops can be ordered by teachers as a complement to their courses, and are free of charge. More information can be found on KIB's website. Get in touch by contacting Academic Writing Support.

These services are available to students who write in Swedish as well.

Linguistic tools

Your students may need help in understanding the academic language and terminology of your courses. These links will provide them with help:


  • Macmillan dictionary (British English): a dictionary for everyday vocabulary, including pronunciation in standard British English.
  • Merriem-Webster dictionary (American English): a dictionary for everyday vocabulary, including pronunciation in standard American English.
  • InterActive Terminology for Europe (IATE): Technical translation database set up by the European Union from any European source language to any European target language. Make sure that your students choose the correct domain of application.
  • The Common Error Detector: The spell checker in Word is not perfect; it misses some grammar, vocabulary and academic style mistakes. This program will help your students get feedback on some of the common vocabulary problems in their writing that word processor spell checkers often miss. It will not find all errors, only some common ones English language specialists find in students' academic writing. Students will still need to proofread the text themselves as well.
  • Quizlet and Memrise: These sites are useful if you want your students to create collaborative vocabulary lists which the whole class can use.
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