Sending out students on Erasmus+ traineeships
Students at KI can apply for Erasmus + traineeships to carry out degree work or traineeships/internships at a company, organisation or other educational institution in an EU / EEA / accession country within the framework of their education at KI.

As an academic representative or other staff, you can get questions about this from students, who want you to sign a "Learning Agreement for Traineeship" which is included in the application for the traineeship.
Two types of traineeships
The types of traineeships that may affect you as an academic representative are:
- Traineeships within the framework of a thesis. The student is registered for thesis work in Ladok and is examined at KI, but conducts data collection at the hosting company / organization. As a course coordinator for degree projects at KI, you must approve the traineeship / data collection. These traineeships are handled by the international student coordinators. The student must be authorized to continue his / her studies at KI in order for a traineeship to be approved.
- Traineeships outside an ordinary education / study program, eg during the summer holidays or in direct connection with the completion of studies at KI. The traineesship cannot be recognized as ECTS credits at KI, but will be recorded as a note in the Diploma Supplement. In these cases, the programme director needs to approve that the internship is relevant to the student's future professional career. These traineeships are handled by KI Career Service. The student should be authorized to continue his / her studies at KI, or alternatively be about to complete his/her education at KI. The application must be submitted before the student completes all the course work.
The students are insured through KI and Kammarkollegiet’s Insurance “Student UT” throughout their stay abroad.
If you have questions:
Kelly Grahn
Project Coordinator;International CoordinatorErasmus+ Traineeship (information for students)
As a student at Karolinska Institutet, you can apply for an Erasmus+ Traineeship scholarship for a degree project or a traineeship at a company, training/research centre or university or another organisation in an EU/EEA/acceding country.
Internship at KI for non-KI students or students from KI
Hosting a trainee is both interesting and stimulating but also involves responsibility. If you are considering hosting a trainee, you need to know what it means in terms of responsibility and what you can expect in terms of support from KI centrally.