Communication in ANA Futura

We are four communication officers in ANA Futura. We can help you publish on the information screens, add calendar events or assist with information you need to send out to the ANA Futura staff.

Information screens

lnformation screens are located in several places in and around the ANA Futura facility, where you will find useful and interesting information about KI and ANA Futura.

Do you wish to publish on the screens? Fill in the form with information to your communications officer who will publish the announcement.

ANA Futura information meetings

The presentations from the ANA Futura information meetings can be found on the ANA Futura startpage.

Communications officers

Profile image

Kicki Carlsson

Communications Officer
Profile image

Karin Vikström

Communications Officer

Advertising guidelines for ANA Futura screens

For any of the below advertising, the department needs to contact the corresponding communications officer who will create and publish the advertisement.

Dissertations, half-times and licentiates

  • Mainly advertisements for dissertations, licentiates and half-times for staff in ANA Futura. ISP seminars are only advertised in the department's own calendar.
  • Advertised 2 weeks prior to the event.


  • Seminars arranged by and for staff in ANA Futura.
  • External seminars arranged by ANA Futura, or external seminars that may be of particular interest to staff in ANA Futura.
  • Advertised 2 weeks prior to the event.

Building information

  • E.g. operating information. Advertised around 2 weeks prior to the event (for a longer period of time if the information has a significant impact on activities in ANA Futura).
  • New procedures and other events ocurring in the building. Advertised 1-2 weeks depending on importance.
  • New advanced equipment. Advertised 1 week.


  • Presentation of new research groups. Advertised 1 week.
  • Presentation of new professors or other key staff members.  Advertised 1 week.


  • Publications in journals with an impact factor of 8 or more. Advertised 1 week.

Research grants

Grants are advertised for staff in ANA Futura. The communication officer collaborates with the economy department to access information regarding recipients of funding. Research grants are advertised as a list of recipients or as an individual advertisement if it concerns only one person.

Examples of grants/funding we advertise:

  • Research Council – spring/fall, (advertising only as list).
  • The Swedish cancer society – spring/fall (advertising only as list).
  • Heart and lung foundation – (advertising only as list).
  • The Wallenberg Foundation – irregular advertising (individual advertisements even if several recipients).
  • Vinnova – irregular advertising.
  • EU Projects – One advertisement per grant.
  • Service financing (e.g. 5-year research financing from the Cancer Foundation).
  • CIMED – once per year.

Other types of advertisement

  • New clinical studies that involve staff from ANA Futura. Advertised 1 week.
  • Additional information: The communication department at KI has a mandate to publish relevant information on the screens without the consent of the communication officers in ANA Futura.
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