Work environment and safety ANA Futura

For ANA Futura staff: KI badge and access to premises
Här finns information hur anställda och besökare får behörighet till ANA Futuras lokaler.

For non-ANA Futura staff: KI badge and access to premises
Information for non-ANA Futura staff who need access to the premises in ANA Futura.

ANA Futura house- and fire safety introduction
All new staff working in ANA Futura must attend a mandatory ANA Futura house- and fire safety introduction.

Mandatory tests for access to ANA Futura

Laboratory safety in ANA Futura

Work Environment Committee ANA Futura
The Work Environment Committee coordinates issues related to the physical work environment at ANA Futura.

Defibrillators in ANA Futura
We have defibrillators in four different places in our premises in ANA Futura. Scroll down on the next page to see drawings where they are placed.

Opening hours for ANA Futura entrances
Information about the opening hours for ANA Futura entrances.