Radiation safety
Work/research involving radiation is required to be according to law, ordination and regulations from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, SSM). This applies both at Karolinska Institutet (KI) and Karolinska University Hospital (K).
All staff members, students and affiliated researchers who’s work involves radiation are obliged to:
- attend mandatory courses (see Course links at the end of this page, KI credentials required for access)
- apply the protective measures that apply to each type of radiation (see course material and radiation protection regulations)
- provide KI's radiation protection expert with a copy of the radiation risk assessment, RADRA (see Document).
Ionizing radiation
Before implementing a new method/procedure/moment involving ionizing radiation, the requirements listed below must be met.
Radioactive isotopes (open/sealed radioactive sources)
Each research group/core facility must obtain a local license from the radiation protection expert. A request for a local license is sent by e-mail to the radiation protection expert (see Contacts).
Work/research involving open radioactive sources requires mandatory courses listed below:
- Attend web course Introduction to Radiation Protection (see Course link). This course should be repeated within five years.
- Attend course Open radioactive sources (see Course link). This course should be repeated within five years.
- Attend introduction at the isotope laboratory with the radiation safety assistant of the research group.
- Review local radiation protection regulations (see Documents).
Each research group/core facility must provide KI’s radiation protection expert with a copy of a signed delegation for radiation safety assistant (see Documents). In addition to mandatory courses (listed above), the radiation safety assistant must also complete the courses below.
- Attend web course Radiation safety assistant (see Course link).
- Attend web course KLARA radiation registration (see Course link).
- Attend introduction with the radiation safety representative of the facilities (see Contacts).
KI’s radiation protection expert should be contacted before purchase (or liquidation) of any X-ray equipment. The research group/core facility shall provide a contact person, who should be appointed to ensure that preventive maintenance and radiation safety checks is performed according to manufacturer recommendations.
KI staff involved with the X-ray equipment is obliged to attend mandatory courses listed below.
- Attend web course Introduction to Radiation Protection (see Course link). This course should be repeated within five years.
- Attend system specific courses.
- X-ray irradiator XStrahl CIX2/CIX3 (see Course link)
- X-ray irradiatior Rad 320 (see Course link)
- Mobile X-ray imaging system (see Course link)
- Dental X-ray imaging system (ask for course, see Contacts)
- Other X-ray system, contact KI’s radiation protection expert
- Attend introduction at site with the contact person of the X-ray system. Please note, regarding the Xstrahl CIX2/CIX3 systems, introduction is booked via iLabs.
UV light
Contact KI’s radiation protection expert before purchase of UV equipment. The research group/core facility shall provide a contact person, who should be appointed to ensure that preventive maintenance and radiation safety checks is performed according to manufacturer recommendations.
Staff using UV sources are obliged to attend the web course Basic UV safety (see Course link) and an introduction to at site with the contact person.
Guideline values for UV exposure can be found in SSM's regulation 2008:48 (see Links).
Contact KI’s radiation protection expert before purchase of laser that require special license (laser class 3B or 4) according to SSM regulation (see Links).
Nuclear holding
Nuclear holding at KI require fulfilment of KI’s regulations for nuclear holding (see Documents) in line with Euratom 302/2005 (see Links). The nuclear elements are Uranium, Thorium and Plutonium. All staff members involved in nuclear holding shall attend the course Nuclear holding at KI (see Course link).
Overall radiation safety
Licensee: rektor@ki.se, KI switchboard 08-524 800 00
KI radiation protection expert: Sofia Skyttner, sofia.skyttner@ki.se, 0737-12 15 79
Radiation safety at KI facilities
Radiation safety representative ANA Futura: Marjan Amiri, marjan.amiri@ki.se
Radiation safety representative Biomedicum: Ingrid Delin, ingrid.delin@ki.se
Radiation safety representative Neo: Johan Dethlefsen, johan.dethlefsen@ki.se
Radiation safety at K facilities
Cyclotron: Jonathan Siikanen, jonathan.siikanen@regionstockholm.se
Dental: Nils Kadesjö, nils.kadesjo@regionstockholm.se
X-ray KI Nord: rontgenfysiksolna.karolinska@regionstockholm.se
X-ray KI Syd rontgenfysikhuddinge.karolinska@regionstockholm.se
Open radioactive sources KI Syd: Annie Bjäreback, annie.bjareback@regionstockholm.se
Open radioactive sources KI Nord: Joachim Nilsson, joachim.nilsson@regionstockholm.se
K’s switchboard operator: 08-123 700 00
Regulatory document
Course link
Sofia Skyttner
Security CoordinatorMore information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- C5.Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
- H1.Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
- H5.Department of Laboratory Medicine
- H7.Department of Medicine, Huddinge
- H9.Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
- K2.Department of Medicine, Solna
- OF.Department of Dental Medicine
- UF.Professional Services