Isotope lab in ANA Futura

In ANA Futura we have an isotope lab for work with ionized radiation. All work with risk of radiation exposure must be performed by staff with knowledge, therefore introduction and radiation protection training is required before you can start using the isotope lab.

Photo of isotope lab in ANA Futura
Isotope lab in ANA Futura. Photo: Christina Sundqvist

General for ANA Futura

  • Introduction and access to ANA Futura premises
  • Local license
  • Radiation safety training
  • Waste management
  • Isotope spillage routine
  • User fees

Introduction and access to ANA Futura premises 

Contact the ANA Futura radiation protection coordinators Marjan Amiri or Yu Lie to get proper introduction to the isotope lab and access to the necessary premises.

Profile image

Marjan Amiri

Radiation protection coordinator ANA Futura

Yu Lei

Deputy radiation protection coordinator ANA Futura

Local license

Contact KI’s radiation protection expert who will provide a local license per research group. 

Profile image

Sofia Skyttner

KI radiation protection expert

Radiation safety courses

New staff must without delay attend KI's introduction webcourse in radiation protection. Radiation safety training should be repeated at least every 5 years.  Read what to do under the headline "radiation safety courses" here:

Radioactive waste

Isotope waste handling is subjected to special KI regulations and specific rules. Contact Radiation protection coordinator ANA Futura for more information. Read more on the web page about radiation safety.

  • Each group is responsible to register own radioactive waste in logbook for each day.
  • Liquid waste with low Isotope activity may be poured into drain according to the rules and department license.
  • Solid waste dispose in dedicated waste box for each specific Isotope.
  • Full waste boxes will be stored in Isotope waste room at floor 3.
  • All waste should be registered and labelled in the Radwaste system.
  • Leave the labelled box in the radioactive waste room 31301 to decay or be transport by Ragnsells.
  • When decayed, you will get a notification from RadWaste.
  • Decayed waste is disposed as combustible waste after removing all labels.

User fees - isotope lab (incl waste room)

For using the isotope lab including the waste room, the user fee is:

5600 SEK/month (frequent users/group)

750 SEK/day (non-frequent users/group)


User fee - waste room

For using the waste room only, the user fee is:

4500 SEK/box