MedH Management group

Here you can find information about the Management group at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH) and contact details to all members.

Person holding light bulb in his hands
Photo: Riccardo Annandale - Unsplash

About the MedH Management group

The Head of Department, Petter Höglund leads the department and is the Chair of the MedH Management group. Other members of the group are Head of Administration, responsible for undergraduate studies and the director for doctoral studies, the heads of MedH:s seven units, the Communications officer. Other competence areas can be adjungated to the group.

The group meets regurlarly to discuss news and current information regarding the department and Karolinska Institutet. Some issues will be adressed in the MedH Newsletter.

Permanent topics at the meetings during the spring 2024:

  1. Current issues at MedH
  2. MedH 2025 Strategy
  3. Integrating BioNut with MedH
  4. News regarding postgraduate education at MedH
  5. News regarding doctoral education at MedH
  6. All other issues concerning MedH

Contact us

Feel free to contact the MedH Management group with your ideas, suggestions or questions: 

We will answer as soon as possible!


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Petter Höglund

Head of Department
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Klas Karlsson

Head of Administration
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Agneta Månsson-Broberg

Responsible for the undergraduate education (GUA)
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Mattias Svensson

Director Doctoral education
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Janne Johansson

Head of Biosciences and Nutrition Unit
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Anna Norrby-Teglund

Head of Center for Infectious Medicine (CIM)
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Mikael Ryden

Head of Endocrinology Unit
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Annika Bergquist

Head of Gastroenterology and Rheumatology Unit
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Eva Hellström Lindberg

Head of Hematology/HERM Unit
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Anders Sönnerborg

Head of Infectious Diseases and Dermatology Unit
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Karin Vikström

Communications Officer
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