MedH 2025 Strategy
With the 2025 strategy, we set the agenda for the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH) for the coming years. Our goal is to develop MedH and strengthen our position as an internationally competitive environment, performing research and education at the highest level.
Work groups
There are two work groups at MedH that are working with implementing the strategy towards meeting our overarching goals.
Work group for platforms for scientific and social exchange
Members of the work group:
Chair Niklas Björkström, Principal researcher, Center for Infectious Medicine (CIM).
Karolina Szummer, Affiliated to research, Heart and Lung diseases Unit.
Niklas Mejhert, Principal researcher, Endocrinology Unit.
Christina Carlander, Senior researcher, Infectious diseases and dermatology Unit.
Amalia Kewenter, Communications Officer, Central administration.
The MedH Junior Career project group
Members of the work group:
Ellen Carlsson, HR Manager, Central administration.
Jesper Bäckdahl, MD, PhD, Endokrinology Unit.
Ying Shang, Postdoctoral researcher, Gastroenterology and rheumatology Unit.
Sara Gredmark Russ, Adjunct senior lecturer, Center for Infectious Medicine (CIM).
Andrea Ponzetta, Senior research specialist, Center for Infectious Medicine (CIM).
Work group for environment and sustainability
Sara von Bahr Grebäck, Environmental and sustainability representative, MedH.
The final MedH 2025 Strategy
Creating a united department
With our vision as a starting point, the strategy serves as a unifying document to lean on when building MedH:s future. By clarifying our vision and the overarching goals for us as a department, we move forward in one coherent direction.
MedH creates tomorrow's knowledge through medical education and research at the highest international level.
MedH 2025 Final strategy document
Why do we need a strategy?
To succeed in such a complex reality as medical research and education, a strategic vision is necessary. We need a strategy to transform challenges into actions and it serves as a transparent framework against which all activities and decisions can be measured. It also provides us with common goals and identifies ways to reach them. Furthermore, a strategy also enables a unifying department process, promoting inclusion and influence.
One of our department’s key challenges is the continuous recruitment of top co-workers at all levels. This requires stable finances over time, secured by strong research groups that can attract larger grants. Supporting new research constellations and facilitating a top work environment, are prime focus areas for the department administration.
Capitalizing on our strong clinical base, we must seek to improve collaborations between clinical and preclinical research groups. We also need to emphasize the importance of our medical education to keep up the high level and to ensure continuous success. Bringing our students and scientists together will facilitate excellent science, education, and health care.
The leadership group adopted the concept of a strategy for the department in 2020. Since then, a strategy has been developed through a broad process within the department, in close dialogue with the six MedH units and with representatives from the department administration. The MedH 2025 Strategy is the result of this process and it outlines a strategic plan for the department for the coming years.
Opportunities and challenges
MedH is a department with several strengths. With competent and experienced leadership and high-quality administrative support, we conduct strong translational research. Overall, there is good access to well-structured core facilities, clinical material and modern laboratories for basic and clinical research. Furthermore, the department is financially stable with well-functioning educational programmes and doctoral training. But MedH is a large department with units scattered over the KI South Campus, with few interactions between research groups in different units.
The department’s economy is dominated by external grants, few positions are oriented towards teaching and the pedagogical aspects are not sufficiently considered in recruitments. Clinical research is challenged by changes in health care policies, affecting principles for patient care. We need to make sure research groups can secure long-term financing, and we must offer younger scientists enough career positions to encourage them to stay within the department. To achieve all this, a sustainable and healthy work environment for all MedH co-workers and students is necessary.
MedH 2025 Focus Groups

MedH 2025 Focus Groups
The focus groups were created to provide input from all MedH staff regarding the MedH 2025 strategy. Here you can read about the six focus groups and their work with the strategy.
Our overarching goals
Based on the outcome of the focus group discussions, three overarching goals have been
identified to lead the way for MedH:s actions for the coming four years.
Overaching goal 1
MedH research addresses important clinical challenges and makes an impact at thehighest international level.
- Our clinical focus, quality, impact and funding should match the best clinical departments on the global arena.
- We need to increase the impact of our publications and enhance the success rate of grant applications.
- We need to improve the situation for clinical researchers and make preclinical infrastructure available to all.
- We must encourage our preclinical units and develop recruitment strategies to attract excellent PhD and postdoctoral students.
- We need to increase MedH:s visibility whilst expanding and strengthening our international network. Top talent must be encouraged to remain within the department.
Overaching goal 2
Education and research are integrated at MedH
- A growing interphase between basic education and research environments, characterizes a successful clinical department.
- We aim to include all our researchers and PhD students in basic education and increase the synergy research and education at MedH.
- We need to build awareness around how our education creates opportunities for research.
- We also need to expand the networks where students and researchers can meet.
Overaching goal 3
Everyone at MedH feel included and work in an equal and sustainable environment
- The goal is to create a healthy work environment in order to achieve successful teaching and research.
- All co-workers at MedH should feel appreciated, motivated and committed to their work and colleagues.
- We need to promote transparency and create a consensus on how we achieve a sustainable and inclusive work environment for everyone at MedH.
Focus areas and activities
To implement the strategy and reach our overarching goals, we have identified five areas of focus with examples of activities to support us in the work ahead.
Mentoring programs for successful career development
Career programs for clinical and preclinical scientists and support staff, including, but not limited to, bio-informaticians and core facility managers, will be developed to create a transparent roadmap for career development.
Departmental platforms for scientific and social activities
Meetings for scientific exchange, department mingles and network opportunities, will be arranged to stimulate the formation of new research constellations and to promote a good work environment.
Development of all co-workers in a sustainable work environment
We will stimulate co-worker initiated activities, offer continuous in-service training and develop improved introduction programs for co-workers.
Improved communication and international collaboration
We will engage in a proactive outreach program for grants with the goal of also launching a guest professor program. We will also create a communication task force around the Communications officer, and promote international exchange by marketing MedH as an attractive department for research and education.
Scientists in education and students in research
We will announce lectureships with educational tasks and make our education more visible internally, whilst securing proper academic positions for our teachers. We will also intensify the recruitment of medical students to research projects and engage scientists as teachers.
Summarizing comment
Creating a strategy has been an inspiring activity, itself promoting a feeling of belonging to a unified and caringdepartmental structure. The process has been a bottom-up activity, hopefully securing good adherence to the strategic goals and actions as we proceed towards 2025. To identify measurable outcomes from the implementation of the strategy and to assure success, we will need to take important steps along the way. The MedH 2025 Strategy is the first stop on an exciting and important journey towards our vision.
Presentations from MedH 2025 Strategy meetings
MedH 2025 Strategy documents, log in required
More information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- H7.Department of Medicine, Huddinge