Neo condensation 2023-2024
During 2023-2024 a relocation project is going on in Neo. The purpose of this project is to improve the research environment, achieve a more efficient use of the premises, and to reduce the costs. On this page you can read more about the progress.

Background and aim
The activities in Neo are today spread over floors 6 to 8 and a large part of the premises is not optimally used. A lot of vacant spaces means that research groups are scattered around Neo, something that does not promote collaboration nor interaction. This also leads to higher rents.
The research activities are to be condensed from three floors to two. All activities on floor 8 must be moved down to floors 6 and 7. No extensive renovations will be carried out. The condensation and reconstructions are to be carried out in such a way that the research groups' activities are disrupted as little as possible, and the costs kept to a minimum.
Transparency and continuously updated information regarding the relocation is of utmost importance to the employees. Communication with concerned staff will take place via e-mail, meetings, the Neo's website, information screens and newsletters.
All departments in Neo, BioNut, MedH, NVS and CLINTEC, are involved in the project.
The timeplan below is subject to change and will be updated when new information is available.
- Detailed planning of the relocation (condensation workgroup and group representatives).
- Planning of any rebuilding (KI real estate, group representatives, Neo manager).
- Cleaning out the storage on floor 2.
- By the end of October, BioNut will move from floor 8 to floor 6.
- By 20 December, BioNut will move from floor 7 to floor 6 (not LCI).
- Work shop 1 – going through the risk assessments from all departments.
- Work shop 2 – going trough the solutions/adjustments of the risk assessments.
- Rebuilding processes on floors 6 and 7:
• BSL2 lab for CLINTEC and Heart lab, cell tissue-nodes. - Move of:
• heart lab to floor 7 (lab, offices).
• SICOF to floor 6.
• CLINTEC to floor 7 (BSL2-lab, offices).
• cell tissue-nodes to floor 6 and 7.
• common isotope lab move to room 7382.
• NVS/MedH/CLINTEC offices, from floor 8 to floor 7. - Cleaning, inspection, and repair of premises on floor 8.
- By the end of February, return of premises on floor 8.
- Rebuilding and relocation of:
• the dish facility to floor 6.
• the service team office and goods reception to floor 6.
• the common storage room (service team) to floor 6. - Cleaning, inspection, and repair of premises on floor 8.
Please contact the representative for your Department below, if you have any questions. And if you have any concerns or worries, please contact HR at your respective department.
Buy, sell or rent laborative equipment in connection with the relocation
If you want to buy, sell or rent lab equipment in connection with the move, you can post your own ads or search for ads on the page called "Buy and sell lab and office equipment".