Clinicum: organised method support for researchers at KI and Region Stockholm

Illustration for Clinicum model

Clinicum is part of a region-wide initiative between Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm aimed at KI- and Region Stockholm-employed or affiliated researchers. Clinicum offers free scientific advice and provides methodological support and guidance in the planning and execution of research projects. The organisation consists of a central function and locally via seven nodes which represent the care provider organisations in Region Stockholm and Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde, SLSO.

Scientific and methodological advice

You can get scientific advice from researchers with expertise in biostatistics, bioinformatics, epidemiology and other method-intensive disciplines.

For projects in the early phase, you can discuss:

  • study design
  • choice of statistical method
  • data orders
  • description of method sections in applications to the ethics review authority or to grant providers

Clinicum can also help with recommendations and considerations linked to:

  • conference abstracts
  • statistical analysis plans
  • study protocols
  • review comments

Clinicum's method support network can also participate in shorter consultations that can help researchers avoid common mistakes when performing statistical programming or analyses, as well as discuss ideas for new studies and analyses.

Data processing and extended statistical support

If you need help with data processing and extended statistical support, it is possible to contact KI's internal support activities or call off from KI's framework agreement for statistical services.

Apply for support:

  1. Fill in a complete application to get support from our method and research specialists
  2. Your application will then be processed by Clinicum's method support coordinator and you will be contacted via e-mail to schedule a first meeting
  3. Location and format of meetings will be decided according for each individual case as Clinicum operates through its nodes and virtual network of specialists
  4. Physical meetings between researchers and Clinicum's advisors are recommended to maximise the benefit of the meetings, digital meetings are possible too

Things to consider when applying for support:

  • Apply for support as early as possible
  • Provide specific and clear information in your application in order for us to select the most appropriate methodological competence
  • Feel free to bring key collaborators to the counselling session. We encourage researchers to consider our consultations as research meetings and welcome PhD students, postdocs, your own statisticians or programmers to participate
  • As a basic rule, we cannot provide practical support with data processing or statistical analyses via Clinicum.
  • Researchers in need of long-term and/or hands-on data analysis are advised to contact the Biostatistics Core (Division of Biostatistics, IMM), or MedStat (LIME)

Local support

  • Several of Clinicum's nodes currently offer research support including methodological advice 
  • Researchers can contact their local Clinicum node via contact details summarised on this page

Central support

You can apply for central support via Clinicum's central method support function if your local Clinicum node can't currently offer methodological advice.

Clinicum organisation and nodes

Clinicum's organisation

Clinicum consists of a central function and 7 nodes which represent the care provider organisations in Region Stockholm and SLSO. The nodes offer scientific advice and provide methodological support and guidance in the planning and execution of research projects.

Clinicum provides:

  • Clinical and translational researcher support in assessing and developing the quality of their study design and analysis of data
  • Methodological support and advice in biostatistics and bioinformatics
  • Access to the support services and IT environments to facilitate handling of health data in research

Clinicum nodes:

  1. Danderyd Hospital
  2. Karolinska University Hospital - Huddinge
  3. Karolinska University Hospital - Solna
  4. S:t Erik Hospital
  5. S:t Göran Hospital
  6. Stockholm Läns Sjukvårdsområde (SLSO)
  7. Stockholm South General Hospital (Södersjukhuset)

Clinical Research Center Danderyd Hospital

CAIR-lab - Clinical AI Research-lab (innovation laboratory)


CLINICUM Solna – local scientific and methodological support



Henna Hasson,


Tony Pansell

Clinicum at S:t Göran Hospital (in Swedish)

Contact: Anna Norhammar, tel. 08-5870 1568

Upcoming events and seminars

Contact at KI

Please send your questions regarding Clinicum operations and activities to

Profile image

Annica Dominicus

Responsible for Clinicum’s methodological support

Sandra Eloranta

Project leader Clinicum
