Data processing and extended statistical support

If you need extended statistical support, it is possible to contact KI's internal support activities or call off from KI's framework agreement for statistical services. Extended support may, for example, be relevant when you need more long-term support with execution, for example in calculations, data processing and statistical analysis support.

Biostatistical consultancy services at KI

The Biostatistics Core Facility

The Karolinska Institutet Biostatistics Core Facility provides biostatistical collaboration and support to medical and public health research. It aims to ensure that experimental designs, data analyses, and interpretation and dissemination of research findings take advantage of the most efficient and innovative methods in biostatistics.

Areas with substantial experience:

  • Expertise for the planning, conduct, analysis and interpretation and dissemination of research findings from clinical trials, epidemiologic and population-based studies, experiments in basic research, and other types of studies; 
  • Advice and support in the preparation of grant applications; 
  • Assistance with setup and management of high-quality databases, perform regular data quality checks, data entry, and data cleaning; and 
  •  Education in the areas of study design, data collection, computerization, and statistical methods


Medical Statistics Unit

The Medical Statistics Unit (MedStat) main area of expertise is regression modelling. In particular, model selection and mixed effects models. Other areas of expertise are survival analysis, Bayesian statistics and spatial statistics.

Areas with substantial experience:

  • Data management, 
  • Planning and analysis of observational studies, 
  • Analysis of randomized controlled trials, and scientific writing.
  • Excellent programming skills in R and STATA.



Biostatistical consultancy service suppliers with framework agreement

To order biostatistical services from an external supplier, you need to place a call-off. The call-off is made by the client sending a request to one or more framework agreement suppliers in which it has specified its assignment. The client then chooses the framework agreement supplier that can best meet the needs of the assignment in question.

Red Door Analytics

We are specialised in statistical consultancy in medical research, with particular focus on survival analysis studies, tailored development of software packages, and training courses in biostatistics.

Areas with substantial experience:

  • Survival analysis
  • Longitudinal analysis
  • Joint modelling
  • Epidemiological designs
  • Competing risks & multistate models
  • Prediction models
  • Simulation studies
  • Causal inference
  • Software development



Our statisticians can perform analyses to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. Our work is characterized by a very high level of service that provide you with new insights and perspectives.

Areas with substantial experience:

  • Statistical analyses
  • Data & graph management
  • 22 courses in SPSS, R, Stata & Statistica
  • Power analyses
  • Sample size calculation
  • Clinical trials
  • Statistical analysis plan
  • Project management

Contact: Jesper Berggren,


Statistiska Konsultgruppen Sweden

We have 40 years of experience from essentially all fields of medical statistics and all phases of clinical trials. We provide researchers with statistical expertise and consulting regarding, e.g., study design and protocol issues, statistical analysis plan and choice of statistical methods, data management, data analysis, medical writing, and reporting of results.

Areas with substantial experience:

  • Randomised clinical trials
  • Register studies
  • Observational studies
  • Clinical prediction models 
  • Machine learning and AI


SDS Life Science

SDS Life Science are experts in study design, sample size calculations, statistical methods and analyses in randomized clinical studies, and non-clinical and registry-based studies. 

Areas with substantial experience:

  • Supports medical researchers adapted to their needs. 
  • Masters the statistical toolbox of methods (i.e. general linear models, ANCOVA, Cox regression, logistic regression, propensity score).

Contact: Anna Torrång, Director Biostatistics, 
Phone: +46 725 88 38 71


At Statisticon, we have more than 25 years of experience applying statistical methodology in medical research, pharmaceutical development and medical device development. We collaborate with researchers and employees at both academia and companies. We are experts in study design and statistical analysis and have extensive experience in most statistical methods. As we have been active for a long time, we have worked in many different therapeutic areas. We also have extensive experience working with the regulatory authorities, LMV, EMA and FDA.

Areas where we have significant experience:
- Randomized studies
- Registry studies
- Power calculations          
- Statistical modeling
- Teaching biostatistics
- Machine learning (AI)
- Visualization


Checklist for hiring external support:

Questions to consider before commissioning external support:

  • What is the assignment about?
  • The choice of company can be based on its experience with similar assignments,
  • What is the scope of the assignment?
  • What type of service do you want - only advice or also data processing, programming and analysis?
  • Do you need the work to be done in a particular programming language, e.g. to be able to reproduce the research results yourself?
  • When should the assignment be delivered?
  • Does the data contain any personal or other confidential data?
  • What is the budget for the assignment?
  • Estimate how many hours are expected to be spent? Here you may need help from the company.


For general questions please contact Cecilia Lundholm

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