Strategic collaboration capacity
KI has been involved in 5 VINNOVA-financed projects together with other Swedish Higher Education Institutions, to develop collaboration capacity and new methods and tools.

What is SKISS?
Through collaboration with several universities, new methods are developed that facilitate collaboration and utilization.

Samsynwiki - a place for knowledge and concepts of collaboration. Only in Swedish.

The engaged university
Strategy 2030 - Together with other higher education institutions, we are advancing our positions.
Methods for collaboration

Identify, protect, and utilize your intellectual assets
How can you identify and protect your knowledge assets? New methods to help researchers and organizations move forward.

Personal mobility for KI-employees
What have the KI-employees gained for new experiences when working with a collaborating organization?

Strategic partnerships for effective collaboration
To demonstrate the utilization of research in society, new ways of working are developed to secure collaboration.

Methods to improve quality in education
New methods are being developed to assess the social relevance of education and research.

Quality assurance of cooperation
How is the quality of collaboration assessed? Several universities are developing tools for evaluation.