Mobility project for KI employees

KI aspires to stimulate and increase collaboration with society. This call was designed to increase mobility of academics with relevant external organisations by providing funding for professional internships.

The PAUS project (Personrörlighet för Akademin med Utbildningsfokus och Studentmedverkan) provides personal mobility opportunities for the seven Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs), which are participating, whereby employees could spend part of their working time at an external organisation.

During 2018-2019 eight KI-employees have the opportunity to gain experience working at another organisation that provided new opportunities relevant to their roles at KI (see below)

About the project:

  • Enables all employees - teachers, researchers, technical and administrative staff and PhD students - to perform a short-term assignment in a company or organisation outside academia, in order to bring new knowledge and new perspectives to education, research or other activities back to KI.
  • Creates added value for both parts through establishing new collaborative opportunities, such as degree projects and research collaborations.
  • Encourages staff mobility as a part of the overall university strategic collaborative capacity.


The application was open to all KI employees (teachers, researchers, technical and administrative staff). KI encourages applicants to utilise the opportunity to start new collaborations with external organisations, as well as strengthen existing collaborations with partners.

The assignment should:

  • Enrich collaboration between KI and the receiving organisation.
  • Be well defined and part of the daily operations of the receiving organisation, i.e. the suggested assignment should not be presented as a separate assignment solely for PAUS.
  • Be challenging and give the applicant the possibility to develop their competences and acquire new skills.

PAUS personal mobility awardees, autumn 2018:

  • Nina Bandmann, University Administration. Collaboration with Life Science office at Swedish Government.
  • Stefano Bonacina, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics. Collaboration with Swedish Standards Institute.
  • Mia von Knorring, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics. Collaboration with Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde (SLSO) in English Stockholm Health Care Services, Stockholm County Council).
  • Torbjörn Vestberg, Department of Clinical Neuroscience. Collaboration with Derome AB.

    Read more about the awardees from 2018

PAUS personal mobility awardees, autumn 2019:

  • Anna Beronius, Institute of Environmental Medicine.Collaboration with Kemikalieinspektionen (KEMI).
  • Anna Kågesten, Department of Global Public Health. Collaboration with Riksförbundet för Sexuell Upplysning (RFSU).
  • Veronica Lindström, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society. Collaboration with Crash Course AB. 
  • Sophia Savage, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics. Collaboration with Reach for Change.

          Read more about the awardees from 2019

The project PAUS is under the umbrella SKISS - a project to strengthen the strategic collaboration capacity at KI - a project designed to strengthen the strategic collaboration capacity at KI.
