The engaged university - Strategy 2030
Strategy 2030 emphasizes the importance of being a collaborating university. By collaborating with other higher education institutions, we advance the positions. This is in line with our vision, that we should drive the development of knowledge about life and work for better health for all.
Through KI's close cooperation with health care, business and other organizations in the world, knowledge development is promoted for the benefit of society. Through KI's active participation in five of the total 17 projects co-financed by Vinnova, they complement each other well and are held together in the project - SKISS (Strengthening KI's strategic collaboration capacity). The purpose of the projects is to develop the opportunities for collaboration between the higher education institutions, secure knowledge resources and increase utilization in society. These focus on, among other things, guidance for strategic partnerships, quality systems and methodology for identifying knowledge assets in research projects.
Our strategic choices
KI shall approch 2030 as a groundbreaking, engaged, and global university. These strategic choices entail broadening our ambitions and require that greate responsiblity for social, development globally, nationally and, locally.
Here's how to describe one of the three priority areas in Strategy 2030, the collaborating university:
"Our collaboration with local higher education institutions, particularly Stockholm University, the Royal College of Technology, and Södertörn University, needs to be further developed. Such collaborations tap into regional potential and create an internationally visible academic node. By leveraging complementary expertise, the collaboration should seek to develop and coordinate research and education in the Stockholm region. Herein lies great potential to advance Stockholm’s position as one of the world’s foremost knowledge regions.
Our engagement with other institutions of higher education shall extend beyond our own region, particularly to our neighbouring region of Uppsala.
KI shall be an active player in the academic sector and a leading champion for common sectoral goals. We shall work continuously to initiate, implement, and conclude collaborations in the sector, thus strengthening our education and research. KI shall also actively promote open access to research data. KI shall be an active player on the national arena, both as a supplier and user of the national infrastructures established in Sweden, and as a driver of their development. This gives researchers in Sweden access to cutting-edge competence and techniques. The same applies to
larger national collaboration initiatives focusing on medical research. "