How do I find funding for my research?
Here we provide an overview of the different types of funding and tools.
Research funding sources

KI Grants & Awards offer internal financing through approximately 35 calls for proposals a year in various research areas (research grants, travel grants and post-doctoral stipends).
KI researchers receive funding from a wide range of external funders.
Research funding tools
Pivot-RP database
Pivot-RP is KI's new database for researchers to find global funding opportunities.
Other types of funding
Industry funding
Industry funding in the form of sponsored or collaborative research programmes is not only a means of financing your research, but also a way to access to industry-unique expertise, competences and capabilities. Guidelines, rules and regulations for industry funding, different agreement formats and contractual obligations involved, can be found on the web page Industry-academia collaborations
Innovation financing
In addition to securing grants from public organisations such as the European Commission or Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency), you can finance your innovation projects in many other ways; e.g., through customer or supplier funding, crowdfunding, bank loans, venture capital or business-angel capital. For more information, please visit the web page Innovation financing
Donations from individuals can also fund your research. Always remember the golden rule: ‘friend-raising before fund-raising’—it is crucial that you get to know your prospective donor. Also be aware of the rules governing donations.
Contact & Support

Grants Office provides:
- information on many of the major funding programmes that apply to KI researchers
- information on the KI internal prioritisation processes that are required by certain funding agencies
- tools you can use to find funding sources that are appropriate to your research area and career stage