Travel insurance

The following is a summary of KI's travel insurance.

General information when traveling

When traveling within the EU and the countries in which Sweden has health care agreements, the traveler must bring the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which confirms affiliation with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. The traveler orders the EU card from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, please visit their website for more information.

If something happens

In the event of natural disaster/conflict/disease/accident etc, immediately contact Falck Global Assistance for instructions from caregivers or other instructions, and for continued support in processing the claim. The contact information can be found on the back of the insurance card. State the insurance number when in contact with them.

Contact information Falck Global Assistance

Falck Global Assistance

Phone number: +46 8 587 717 49 Fax: +46 8 505 939 13


Purchase of work-related travel

All business trips and accommodations must be purchased from our procured travel agency and must be paid for by funds managed by Karolinska Institutet.

Checklist before the trip

  • Valid passport and visa
  • Check if vaccination is needed and bring a vaccination card
  • Bring telephone numbers and information about the nearest Swedish Embassy
  • Check the Foreign Ministry's travel recommendation if you are going to a crisis area
  • Check the validity of your EHIC
  • During the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it is very important that you know the terms and conditions of our travel insurance and that it does not cover additional costs during the trip.

1. The Swedish state business travel insurance

The business travel insurance applies to all domestic and international travels that employees and contractors make on behalf of Karolinska Institutet. A contractor is the person who, without being employed, travels on behalf of KI. All registered research students are covered by the business travel insurance if the trip is on behalf of KI. The insurance applies to all business trips approved by Karolinska Institutet and is equivalent to a standard travel insurance. The insurance is valid 24 hours a day in all countries.

The insurance is also valid during breaks, due to vacation or leave of absence. In order for such a break not to be considered as an independent activity, separate from the business trip, the break may not be longer than the time for the actual business trip. The break may not be longer than 14 days. A private insurance needs to be taken out for the entire vacation period when the vacation lasts for more than 14 days. It does not matter if the period for the vacation is before, during or after the business trip.

Please note that the business travel insurance does not contain cancellation insurance for e.g. hotel costs or course fees. If you are going to a conference or will be attending a course, there may be a separate cancellation protection available to buy from the provider of the conference/course /hotel package etc.

As an HR manager/specialist, you can download and fill in the document "Travel Insurance Certificate” available at the bottom of the insurance page. E-mail it to the employee in order for them to bring it with them on the business trip.

2. Travel insurance

A travel insurance can be taken out at Kammarkollegiet for all travels that is not covered by The Swedish state business travel insurance. The travel insurance is ordered from Kammarkollegiet and costs 15 SEK per person per day worldwide.

3. URA insurance

KI has a URA insurance with Kammarkollegiet for employees. In order for the URA insurance to apply to everyone on the agreement, all must be registered in Sweden and be included in the Swedish social insurance throughout their stay abroad (exceptions may exist for accompanying persons who have their own company).

4. Student UT

The Student UT group insurance applies to students registered in Ladok. It applies to students at undergraduate level and students at postgraduate level with education grants and who is going to study/practice abroad in accordance with an agreement between KI and an educational institution abroad. Download and fill in the document “Student UT certificate” at the bottom of the insurance page.

Individual insurance Student UT

If there is no agreement on exchange, an Individual Student UT must be ordered from Kammarkollegiet. In this case Kammarkollegiet will provide a personal insurance certificate in the form of a card. The insurance costs 15 SEK per day.

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