Microsoft 365 Copilot for staff
User licences are now available for Microsoft 365 Copilot, an innovative AI tool fully integrated into the Microsoft 365 suite.
New names for Copilot licences and apps
Microsoft has changed the names of the various licences and tools in the Microsoft 365 environment that KI employees have access to.
- Microsoft 365 Copilot: refers to the extra licence that gives you access to Copilot as a feature in all individual applications in Microsoft 365. It also gives Copilot access to your entire work context, such as saved files, teams, chats, SP sites, etc. The licence is per user and is ordered through Wisum.
- Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat: now refers to the Copilot chat that all employees can access online. Previously called Bing Chat Enterprise, Microsoft Copilot. You can learn more about Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat here.
- The app for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office), which can be installed on KI-Karyon computers or accessed online, is now also called Microsoft 365 Copilot. This change does not give you access to the Microsoft 365 Copilot licence described above - it only gives you access to Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat, your files, and the bundled applications available in Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 Copilot can be described as an intelligent assistant that can create quick drafts of texts in Word, transcribe and summarise Teams meetings, draft presentations, and create and sort data in spreadsheets - and much more.
The tool is integrated into the entire M365 software suite and therefore provides seamless access to all your work documents and the data you have access to at Microsoft (such as files saved in OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint, your chats, and groups).
There are great opportunities for streamlining daily work. In the video below, Atea and Microsoft jointly introduce some of the possibilities that Copilot offers in the most common Office applications.
How is the licence ordered?
Microsoft 365 Copilot is ordered through Wisum following the same procedures as other software licences.
If you are interested in testing the possibilities, you need to start by confirming the cost with your line manager, who will decide whether there is a work-related need for the licence.
When you order your licence in Wisum (the KI-Programvaror category), the designated certifier within your institution/department handles the order. After a couple of days, you will receive confirmation by email that your order has been processed.
The licence cost is SEK 320/month per user. The licence initially runs for one year and can then be terminated with three months' notice.
What is the difference between Microsoft 365 Copilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat?
The chat tool that all employees can access does not have access to your work files or collected data stored in the Microsoft cloud. You cannot ask it to draft a PPT presentation from an attached document, to give a specific example. Nor can you ask the chat to summarise your last transcribed Teams meeting, which you can do in Microsoft 365 Copilot, directly in the app.
The AI for Staff and How to write research news using AI pages give you an idea and introduction to what you can do with Copilot on the web - which is included at no extra cost in the Microsoft 365 licence that all employees have.
Microsoft 365 Copilot, on the other hand, has an additional licence cost of SEK 320 per month per user. The licence is personal.
A selection of resources and training at Microsoft
Microsoft offers a wide range of courses, tutorials and in-depth material on Microsoft 365 Copilot (along with other parts of the M365 suite):
Introduction to Copilot for Microsoft 365 - Training | Microsoft Learn
Explore the possibilities with Copilot for Microsoft 365 - Training | Microsoft Learn
Create and draft content with Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 - Training | Microsoft Learn
Copilot for Microsoft 365 – Microsoft Adoption
Microsoft 365 Copilot QuickStart Training (