Medical check-ups
On this page, we give examples of when medical check-up should be offered and when these should include certifitates of serviceability (tjänstbarhetsintyg). The examples are not comprehensive as it may be justified after a risk assessment. In case of uncertainty, please refer to the regulations on medical check-up at and applicable regulations or contact the contact person.

The systematic and preventive work environment must eliminate, or at least minimize, the risk of ill health that may arise at work. For some work, there still remains a risk of ill health when the work is carried out, even though work environment measures have been implemented. Employers must therefore offer medical check-ups for workers employed in such work. Some risky work also requires that the medical check-up includes a certificate of serviceability (tjänstbarhetsintyg).
A medical check-up is a medical examination of workers, which may include physical examinations, sampling, interviews and questionnaires. It is important that the employer communicates the purpose and goals of a medical check-up.
- Certain jobs require the employer to offer a medical check-up before starting work, but also sometimes with regularity throughout the employement.
- All types of medical check-ups are voluntary to undergo.
- The employee must receive feedback on the result and the employer feedback on the assessment (to the extent that confidentiality or professional secrecy does not prevent this).
- The work requiring a certificate of serviceability means that the work may not be started or continued before the results of the assessment is made, and that the result may mean that the employee may not perform or continue the work.
Certificate of serviceability (tjänstbarhetsintyg)
For some tasks, there is a requirement for a medical check-up with a certificate of serviceability. These certificates must be registered. A penalty fee is applied if a valid certificate of serviceability is missing.
Medical check-ups must be offered, for exemple, if the work involves
- Work entailing exposure to vibrations
- Hand-intensive work
- Night work
- Work with allergenic chemical products (may in some cases also require a certificate of serviceability, see: AFS 2019:3 36-37§§, in Swedish).
- Work where risk assessment shows that it is justified, for example due to harmful exposure.
Medical check-ups must be offered and include a certificate of serviceability, if the work involves
- Work with fibrosing dust, asbestos, inorganic fibers and quartz.
- Work with lead, cadmium and mercury (here the employer must also offer biological exposure controls).
- Tasks involving extreme pshysical strain: climbing with a large difference in level, smoke- and chemical diving and scuba diving.
In addition to the works above, there is a requirement to offer medical check-ups for following work
- Work with test animals (AFS 1990:11), see also Laboratory animal allergy
- Work with noise causing hearing loss (AFS 2005:16)
- Work with contaminants (AFS 2018:4), see also Vaccinations
- Work with artificial optical radiation (AFS 2009:7), see also Radiation safety
- Work with ionising radiation (SSMFS 2018:1), see also Radiation safety
Ordering Medical check-up
When booking a medical check-up at Avonova Health Care Center, the form "Order medical check-ups" must be used and uploaded to the Avonova portal in connection with the appointment. Please bring a copy of the completed form to the visit. Always indicate the type of medical check-up to be performed! For appointment booking or questions contact Avonova Health Center
Note: If similar medical check-ups were previously completed by Previa, the certificate of serviceability from the previous check-up should be included if it is relevant.