Work Environment for students and Student safety representative
The Work Environment Act states that students are equated with employees. As the educational provider, KI is responsible for the students' work environment. Templates used for systematic work environment for employees can be applied for systematic work environment for students. For information regarding organization, responsibilities, roles within the work environment area etc. see " Occupational safety and health" page.
Work Environment Tasks- delegation
The head of department allocates work environment tasks for both employees and students. This allocation can be either written or verbal, especially if the task is temporary. Contrary to the mangerial line, the distribution of work environment tasks regarding students varies between departments. The guiding principle is to distribute these tasks as close to the operational level as possible. Information on how the head of department has allocated work environment tasks for students should be accessible to both employees and students at the institution.
Those assigned a work environment task must have sufficient knowledge and resources to perform it, including preventive efforts.
Investigation of work environment incidents for students
KI has a responsibility to investigate and manage undesirable events and situations that affect our students' health in their study and work environment. KI does not permit any student to be subjected to violence, threats, harassment, abuse, or physical work environment incidents in their study or work environment.
The Canvas course, "Introduktion för dig som utreder anmälningar från studenter" (in swedish), provides essential information on work environment, KI's initiatives in occupational health, student safety representatives, equal opportunities, alcohol and drug policy, investigation procedures, and key considerations for investigators. This course serves as both a comprehensive step-by-step guide and a valuable resource to revisit when necessary.
Incident management
Immediate incidents should be addressed directly by the person who becomes aware of them and subsequently documented in the incident reporting system. The investigation should begin as soon as possible with direct contact with the student. On the incident reporting page för students, there is information about support services available for students.
Doctoral students should report their incidents through the employee incident reporting system.
The head of the department responsible for the course, where the student is registered at the time of the event, is accountable for ensuring that an investigation is conducted, appropriate measures are implemented, and the outcomes are followed up. The head of department may delegate the tasks of investigation, implementation of measures, and follow-up to other employees within the department. The responsibility for the students' work environment includes preventive efforts aimed at ensuring a favorable physical and mental study and work environment for students. Furthermore, KI is obligated to investigate incidents occurring during clinical training (VFU).
Student safety contacts for programmes/sections (studerandeskyddsrepresentant)
The student union appoints a student safety contact for a program/section. The student safety contact for a program/section is a link between the students and the student safety representative at each department.
Student safety representative (studerandeskyddsombud)
A student safety representative is appointed by the Student Union and represents the students in work environment issues for students at departmental level. The student safety representative is primarily a partner to the study organizer in efforts with preventive environment work, but must also follow up that KI meets the requirements of the workenvironment regulations.
Chief student safety representative (huvudstuderandeskyddsombud)
When there are several student safety representatives at a workplace, one of them must be appointed as the chief student safety representative. His/her task is to coordinate the activities of the student safety representatives and to represent the student safety representatives externally. The chief student safety representative works at the entire workplace and must, for example, work with issues that concern more than one safety area.
The chief student safety representatives are appointed by KI's two Student Unions. The chief student safety representative will be involved in KI-overall student work environment issues, but also coordinate the activities of the local student safety representatives and represent them externally.
Chief student safety representative for the Medical Association (MF) for all educations at undergraduate, advanced level and postgraduate level at KI except education at undergraduate and advanced level within the educational assignment for the Departmentof Dentistry.
Chief student safety representative for the Swedish Dental Association (OF) for education at the undergraduate and advanced level within the educational assignment for the Department of Dentistry.
Election of chief student safety representative (huvudstuderandeskyddsombud)
Chief student safety representatives are appointed by the Student Union in the same way as other student representatives. The protection areas for KI's two chief student safety representatives are divided as follows:
- The Medical Association (MF) for all educations at undergraduate, advanced level and postgraduate level at KI with the exception for education at undergraduate and advanced level within the educational assignment for the Department of Dentistry.
- The Dental Association (OF) for education at the undergraduate and advanced level within the educational assignment for the Department of Dentistry.
For further information, contact the chief student safety representatives
Period of office
The Student Union decides how long the period of office is for student safety representatives. Students who have been appointed safety representatives can enter or leave the assignment at any time during the current period of office.
The chief student safety representatives and the Student Unions are to have regular contact and towards the end of the period of they should plan for when new student safety representatives and student safety contacs are to be appointed.
Registration of student safety representatives
Information about who has been appointed to student safety representative and student safety contact is handled according to regular routines for student representatives. Contact Charlotta Cederberg for information about KI's register of student safety representatives. When the safety representative has been registered with the employer (KI), the chief student safety representative (huvudstuderandeskyddsombud) sends a written confirmation of this to the affected student safety representative (studerandeskyddsombud). Only when a student safety representative is properly notified to the employer do they get the right to act in the mission in accordance with the Work Environment Act. Please note that the student safety representative him-/herself notifies his/her head of department.
If a student safety representative resigns prematurely
If a student safety representative resigns during the year, he or she is responsible for informing the Student Union by contacting the chief student safety representative who informs the student unions by sending an email to the Student Union's shared mailbox.
Student safety representatives (studerandeskyddsombud) & Student safety contacts for programmes/sections (studerandeskyddsrepresentanter)
Student safety representative for the Medical Association (MF)
Student safety representative for the Swedish Dental Association (OF)
In the course Systematic work environment management for students you learn what you need to know as the chief student safety representative, student safety representative and student safety contact.