Reporting incidents
All work-related illness and occurrences: accidents, near-miss incidents and violations that could, or dose result in injury and ill health should be reported in the IA system. Prevention is the guiding principle for occupational safety and health (OSH). And by reporting incidents we all can contribute to that principle.
In logged in mode at the Staff Portal, you will find login details and more information to get started with the app IA - Avvikelser i arbetsmiljö.
Change language in the IA system
The first time logging in to the IA system you must confirm user credentials and change the language to English. Go to the icon for user settings on the right at the top of the page and to more settings, here you will be able to change language to English.
Later on you can always request a change of language by sending a message to:
When reporting:
- Always contact your manager and/or safety representative in the first instance when something happens, and preferably report the incident together. In case of serious incidents, the manager should always be contacted,
- State the location or situation so that the matter can be followed up and create a basis for development and improvement of the work environment.
- If the above is not possible for you, you can report anonymously.

What is important to report?
All deviations in the work environment must be registered in the IA system, which is a web-based system for near miss, accidents, commuting accidents, work related illness, environment, property/security and victimization. For example, if you have been injured, or if you feel that the university is lacking in its procedures regarding the work environment, safety or environment and sustainable development, you must make an incident and deviation report in the IA system.
Who receives information about the incident?
The immediate manager, head of department/equivalent, student affairs investigator and safety representative may receive information about the incident.
Reports concerning employees go primarily to the immediate manager who has work environment responsibility and who must ensure that the matter is handled and that measures are taken to prevent further people from suffering the same injury or incident.
Occupational injuries and incidents
An unwanted event that could have led to ill health or an accident but ended well. Alternatively, one of the following was about to happen.
For example:
- Ventilated workplaces (fume cupboards) with non-functioning alarms have been used for a long time - this may have led to staff being exposed to hazardous substances.
- The handling of animal cages containing hazardous substances has not been labeled, which leads to the exposure of staff who empty/clean the cages to hazardous substances.
- Inspection of emergency equipment (eyewash, fire extinguishers, etc.) has not been carried out.
- Waste management - hazardous waste is mislabeled, mispackaged or misplaced.
- Unauthorized transport of unlabeled scientific samples on the shuttle bus.
- Employees do not follow handling instructions/safety procedures.
- Risk assessments are missing for laboratory work.
- Employees/students do not use personal protective equipment.
- Instruments/tools are used in a way that poses a risk of personal injury.
- Lack of accessibility.
- Abuse, bullying, harassment or similar can lead to ill health.
Unwanted event leading to injury, death, or illness.
- slipping and breaking your arm
- injury due to a spill of corrosive chemicals
- stabbing or cutting injury
- bite injuries
- infection while serving abroad
Accident/fatality occurring on the way to or from work during the journey between home and work.
Illness which may be caused or aggravated by the work or working conditions. Likely to be due to harmful effects at work over a long period of time.
- Neck/shoulder/back pain due to one-sided or heavy loads.
- Allergy due to exposure to hazardous substances at the workplace.
- Excessive workload
Bullying, harassment, and discrimination lead to ill health.
Property, safety, and environment
All events related to property and safety should be reported.
- Fire and evacuation safety e.g., during evacuation drill emergency exit is blocked, people remain in premises during fire evacuation drill.
- Personal safety e.g., threat by a visitor on campus.
- Activism e.g., activists block the entrance to a KI building.
- Burglary, attempted burglary.
- Theft, attempted theft.
- Operational disruption.
- Property damage e.g., graffiti, vandalism.
- False alarm
- Environmental damage, e.g., release of hazardous chemicals.
- Lack of knowledge of KI's waste rules leads to chemicals being poured down the drain.
- Leakage/risk of leakage of chemicals/hazardous substances to sewage/environment.

Discrimination, victimization, harassment, and sexual harassment
You should primarily contact a manager in your immediate surrounding, HR at your department or someone else you trust when it comes to reporting in this area.
At KI, there is zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and abuse, and we need to act as early as possible. When a manager or other employer representative becomes aware of these events, we as an employer, primarily the immediate manager, are obliged by law to act and investigate the events.
More about how to proceed, where to get support and what happens to the information.
Internal reporting in the IA system
Please report jointly, manager, employee, and safety representative. Reports in the IA system go directly to the immediate manager and are usually done as the process moves along. Reports can provide support to clarify what happened, when it happened and are an opportunity to document the case. It also provides an opportunity for learning and development of the activity.
In an investigation of harassment, sexual harassment, or victimization, it is not possible to remain anonymous. For the process to be legally secure for all parties, the person being criticized needs to be able to respond to the allegations. The investigation process clarifies the facts of what happened.
Of course, it is still possible to report problems anonymously. The employer is obliged to investigate and prevent risks in the work environment even in the case of an anonymous report. However, if employees do not come forward with their criticism, the employer's ability to safeguard the work environment and work in a forward-looking manner is limited.
The employer has a responsibility to prevent, investigate and act. It is therefore important that harassment, sexual harassment, and victimization are brought to the attention of the employer. Here you can find support before, during and after the process.

Report anonymously (centrally)
If for some reason you are unable to provide information about work environment deficiencies and deviations you have experienced or observed, directly to your immediate manager or someone else responsible, it is possible to anonymously report and describe events or near misses.
It is good to know that it is difficult to act on anonymously reported events and that KI emphasizes the importance of primarily directly pointing out deficiencies in the work environment to be able to handle and solve them directly.
Report anonymously without logging in to the IA system.

Whistleblowing function
By using the whistleblowing channel, employees can report misconduct in a work-related context that is so serious that the public has an interest in seeing it come to light and stop.

Information security incident
Report all information security and personal data incidents. An incident may consist of an IT attack where information, such as personal data, is leaked, lost, or corrupted:
- incorrect, unauthorized, or harmful handling of information that could have a negative impact on KI.
- information falling into the wrong hands.
- Theft of equipment or physical documents containing sensitive information.
- Data breach.
For ease of use, you can report via the IA system app:
download app for IOS
download app for Android
Login details for all employees:
Username: AppkontoKI
Password: Ia-systemetAppKI
Manager or safety representative? This is how to use the IA system
Below is a selection of manuals to help you understand and use the IA system effectively. The material is provided by AFA försäkringar, which guarantees that the material is updated when updates are made to the system.
E-learning for managers with interactive exercises and quizzes.
My reports
Occurrence manager, occurrence unit, employer unit
If you have questions about how to manage the IA system, contact: