Guidelines on workplace-oriented rehabilitation
Guidelines for work adaption and rehabilitation, including the prevention of ill health
- Diary number: 1-652/2018
- Dnr preg. version: 4-480/0820
- Decision date:
- Validity period: Until further notice
- Decision: President
- Document type: Guidelines
- Handled by department/unit: HR-avdelningen
- Preparation with: President, Vice President and University Director
Summary of the guidelines
Karolinska Institutet's guidelines on workplace-oriented rehabilitation cover employer responsibilities for adapting work conditions to meet employees' physical and mental needs. This involves organised rehabilitation efforts and includes students in doctoral employment. Managers have a structured mandate to oversee effective rehabilitation, ensuring necessary adjustments facilitate employees' return to work post-illness. Full details can be accessed in the linked guidelines (in Swedish).
Guidelines in full (in Swedish)
Riktlinjer för arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering (PDF, 378.53 KB)