Guidelines on Solitary Work
- Diary number: 1-714/2018
- Dnr preg. version: 4-4270/9204
- Decision date:
- Validity period: Until further notice
- Decision: President
- Document type: Guidelines
- Handled by department/unit: HR-avdelningen
- Preparation with: Work Environment Committee, Trade Unions, and the Department of Education and Research Support
Summary of the guidelines
The guidelines on solitary work at Karolinska Institutet aim to reduce and prevent risks associated with working alone. They apply to all staff and students and emphasize limiting solitary work where possible. If it is unavoidable, a thorough risk assessment must be conducted to ensure safety measures are in place, such as emergency planning and appropriate training. Managers and individuals share responsibilities for following these guidelines to minimize risks. Full details can be assessed in the linked guidelines document (in Swedish).
Guidelines in full
Regler för ensamarbete (PDF, 293.24 KB)