Business Insurance

Karolinska Institutet has its Business Insurance at the Kammarkollegiet, who review all claims that KI has submitted.

A damage clame skall be done by the affected business and sent to Kammarkollegiet within one month, from when KI becomes aware of the damage, to the extent possible. A copy of the report is sent to the head of Safety and security unit, who also is the contact person between KI and the Kammarkollegiet.

Before the damage clame is sent to the Kammarkollegiet, the head of Safety and security unit is contacted for a brief reconciliation of the damage situation and whether further measures need to be taken.

The following additions shall either be attached to the claim form or sent to Kammarkollegiet at a later date:

  • The police report of the damage (if the damage is caused by a criminal offence)
  • Inventory/Original Invoices relating to the stolen/damaged property
  • Buy-back/repair invoices corresponding/related to the stolen/damaged property

Example of KI's property covered by the insurance:

  • Laboratory equipment
  • Inventories 

Business Insurance and liability insurance (in case of negligence) covers property and equipment within Sweden. The deductible for KI is about 45 000 kr.


Magnus Håkansson

Head of safety and security
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Christina Rosqvist

Unit Administrator
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