Doctoral supervisor training
The aim of the doctoral supervision training programme at KI is to support and inspire our doctoral supervisors through continous support and development of skills and approaches in teaching and leadership, not only as working academics but on a personal level as well.

Who can be a doctoral supervisor?
The doctoral supervisors have a pedagogical assignment with a huge impact on the quality of the doctoral education. The doctoral supervision training programme offers different pedagogical tools to contribute to create a stimulating and inspirational learning environment.

Expectations of doctoral students and supervisors
Knowing each other’s expectations is paramount for a good professional relationship between a doctoral student and the principal supervisor and a successful doctoral education.

Literature for supervisors

Seminars for doctoral supervisors
Listen to invited speakers who share their own experiences as supervisors or experts that talks about particular issues.

Leadership for research group leaders
The course is aimed towards research group leaders that have a minimum of two members in their group.

Course: Designing doctoral courses
The course is aimed towards course directors for doctoral courses and those who plan to arrange doctoral courses.

Unit for Teaching and learning
Teaching and Learning (TL) is the medical educational unit of Karolinska Institutet. Here you can find pedagogical expertise, educational tools have support in Canvas and digital production and take part in higher education courses.