Seminar for doctoral supervisors
The role of doctoral supervisor involves exchanging experiences with colleagues. The thematic seminars provide KI supervisors with a forum for competence development and regular opportunities to meet colleagues in a similar situation.
These seminars allow participants to discuss matters and exchange experiences relating to their supervisory role and to keep themselves updated on the latest news connected to doctoral education. The seminar programme varies; sometimes we invite speakers to share their own experiences as supervisors, or experts to hold talks on particular issues. The aims are to help participants understand their own position as supervisors and to inspire and encourage them to find their own ways of dealing with the challenges that the role brings.
Seminars spring 2025
April 8th - Lunch seminar part 1: Intro about AI for doctoral supervisors
Lunch seminar part 1 at Zoom on 8th April at 11.30 – 12.30
Welcome to an introductory seminar about AI and doctoral supervision, with a focus on writing.
This seminar is aimed at beginners in the AI field who need support handling AI and doctoral supervision. The seminar is for those of you who took the “Introductory course for doctoral supervisors” before autumn 2023.
The AI theme was included in the course from October 2023. If you take the Intro course during 2025 you will have the same seminar.
The seminar will be led by Anna Borgström, KIB.
(the seminar will be held in English)
April 24th - Lunch seminar part 2: For doctoral supervisors - Info about KI’s new rules for Kappa writing and the use of AI.
Lunch seminar part 2 at Zoom on 24th April at 11.30-12.30
Welcome to a seminar for doctoral supervisors about AI and supervising your PhD student in writing the thesis comprehensive summary chapter (“kappa”). The seminar will be led by Anna Borgström KIB.
The AI theme was included in the course Introductory course for doctoral supervisors” before autumn 2023. If you take the Intro course during 2025 you will have the same seminar.
(the seminar will be held in English)