Documents and information - doctoral education
On this page, documents with the purpose of governing and supporting doctoral education are gathered.
Swedish versions of these documents are found on the Swedish web site.

Rules for doctoral education
A compilation of regulations governing doctoral education.
For more detailed information, see the web information accessed from the start page "Doctoral education".

General syllabus
All doctoral students at KI are admitted to doctoral education in the doctoral education subject "Medical Science".
The general syllabus describes the subject and the requirements regarding courses and other learning activities.

Forms for doctoral education
Application forms and other forms needed at different stages of a doctoral education are gathered here.
Other documents and instructions
Public defence and half-time review
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Template: Half-time report Information to half-time committee Information to Examination Board, Opponent and Defence Chairperson Information for the Examination Board and Seminar Chairperson, licentiate thesis Information to the Examination Board about text matching and checking a thesis for plagiarism Support for writing the thesisCourses and learning activities
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Instructions for course organisers Course syllabi for doctoral courses How to report learning activities Instructions: The course requirement in human biology/physiology and/or pathology for doctoral students Guidelines for KI’s thematic doctoral programmes Riktlinjer för forskarskolor vid KI Anvisningar för antagning för forskarskolor vid KIOther instructions
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Manuals for the ISP-system Check-list annual follow-up Handledning VIS Uppföljning Forskarutbildning Successful supervision - a dialogue facilitator Information for administrative officers: Doctoral position in Varbi Description of duties and responsibilities for Directors of doctoral studies