Amending an approved application

Any amendments that you wish to make to the members of the Examination Board, the opponent, chairperson at defence/ chairperson at licentiate seminar, the date or venue of the public defence/ licentiate seminar, number of the constituent papers and the order of authors therein (if it affects your own position on the list) must first be approved by Dissertation Committee.

The approved date of your public defence / licentiate seminar may only be postponed by a maximum of six months. If the public defence / licentiate seminar does not take place on the approved date, and you have not applied for a rescheduling, you will have to re-submit your entire application.

The application for an amendment to an approved application is made on form 12:1 or 12:2. Form 12:1 refers to the following changes;

  • Change of chairperson at defence/ chairperson at licentiate seminar 
  • Change of defence date/date for licentiate seminar
  • Change of venue for defence/ licentiate seminar
  • Change of thesis title

Changes in form 12:2 refer only to change of examination board member or opponent. The form is sent to the Dissertation Committee administrator and a decision is then made by the chairman. If the amendment is approved, you and your supervisor will receive a signed copy of your original amendment request form by email.

Minor changes

Minor changes that do not require approval by the Dissertation Committee are:

  • Title revisions that do not impinge on their principal meaning (e.g. the repositioning, addition or deletion of single words or punctuation marks).
  • Changes and additions to the order of authors that do not affect your own position on the list.
  • Changes to the order of the constituent papers.


You may amend or adjust the wording of your unpublished manuscripts before the Examination Board has received the constituent papers, but afterwards no major revisions should be made. Should this be the case, you must notify the Examination Board and the Dissertation Committee. If a manuscript is accepted for publication or is published before printing the thesis, the accepted / published version can be included in the thesis.

The Dissertation Committee

Questions about the public defence application