EIT Health activities in 2023

EIT Health activities in 2023 are divided into 3 flagship areas. Within each of the flagships there are activities in education, innovation and business creation, the so called knowledge triangle. In general, EIT Health supports activities with the highest potential to generate impact on the healthcare delivery or system. EIT Health does not support pure research or R&D projects.

Flagship areas 2023

1. New models to deliver healthcare

This flagship will look at how we might start to define new models of healthcare delivery and implementing robust analysis of databases that are already in place. At the centre of this will be the concept of value-based healthcare, where success measures are based on patient outcomes and the shift from treatment to prevention.

Activities within this flagship include:

  • Winter/summer school
  • Modules towards a labelled fellowship programme
  • Modules of advanced high value care principles
  • Service quality assessment projects and Bootcamp in value-based healthcare

2. Facilitating the uptake of Digital Medical Devices (DMD)

This aims to support the digital health transformation in Europe and will focus on the development of and access to digital health medical devices. It will also explore how we transform, harmonise and strengthen the use of digital medical devices and diagnostics to look at:

  • The prescription and reimbursement in EU countries for already certified medical devices
  • The harmonisation of clinical trial protocol design to ensure the replicability and consistency of medical outcomes between member states for faster reimbursement.

Activities within this flagship include:

  • Winter/summer school
  • Modules towards a labelled fellowship programme
  • Innovation for patient-centered DMD solutions and DiGinnovation, a programme to accelerate reimbursement, market access, and wider adoption of DMDs in Europe

3. Harnessing the full potential of health data for innovation

This flagship will support the implementation of the European Health Data Space to enable us to unleash the full potential of health data for innovation by exploring the secondary use of data for the development of technologies or solutions that deliver outcomes that matter to patients. It will also look at how we train and develop patients, citizens and healthcare professionals to understand the importance and relevance of data sharing in informing and improving the continuum of care pathways.

Activities within this flagship include:

  • Winter/summer school
  • Modules towards a labelled fellowship programme
  • Training module for professionals
  • Training module for patients and citizens
  • Registry-based innovation project


The projects vary in length from 9 months up to three years. An innovation project may typically receive up to 2.5 M€ from EIT Health over a period of three years. Please note that there are co-funding and financial sustainability aspects to consider.

Who can apply and application procedure

The call is open to anyone interested in healthcare innovation such as EIT Health partners (where KI is one), start-ups, healthcare providers, research bodies, payors, regional/national/international policy bodies or institutions, municipalities, and healthcare innovators. An application is normally submitted by a consortium consisting of representatives from different sectors, but the requirements differ between the different activities.

Application is performed using the EIT Health application system. The deadline for submission of short proposals varies between the different activities and for some activities proposals can be submitted at three different timepoints per year.

The selection process will follow five phases:

  • Shortlisting of submitted short proposals
  • Participation in a support programme for invited consortia
  • Final selection of submitted full proposals
  • Contracting
  • Monitoring

The time lapse from submission to project start is estimated to be 7-8 months.

All details about the call

Present EIT Health projects with KI as partner  

  • HTA – Healthcare Transformation Academy, an education project 
  • SCI FI – From Scientists to Innovators for Industry, an education project 
  • DIGI-ID – Digital skills education to support health and social inclusion for adults with intellectual disabilities, an education project
  • DigiPrevent – Personalised prevention and very early treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis, an innovation project 
  • TrainR4U – Training robot for Ultrasound, an education project 
  • VALUE - Value based healthcare supported by process mining tools, an innovation project 
  • HEI – Building innovation capacity and fostering entrepreneurship in sport science, an education project 

Past EIT Health projects at KI  

Since the operational start of EIT Health in 2016 KI has led and/or participated in more than 30 projects. Some of them are:


For more information or if you are interested in applying, please contact jan-olov.hoog@ki.se or inger.lundqvist@ki.se

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