Guide to MedH communications channels
Here you find a short overview of the MedH channels for communication, with a focus on the internal communication.

Don't forget to check the KI Staff portal every week! - Make sure not to miss exciting news and events at the department and KI. All staff at KI and MedH have a communication responsibility — it is your job to stay up to date on current topics concerning the department and KI. Read more about your responsibility for communication in the Karolinska Institutet's Communications Policy.
For questions regarding the MedH communications channels, please contact the Communications officer.
MedH Newsletter
MedH distributes the MedH Newsletter three times per semester. The newsletter contains information from the Head of Department and the Management group (ledningsgruppen) and the department administration. Other examples of content is tips on available KI/MedH tools and courses, news about research and education at MedH. In each number there is an interview with a MedH staff member.
Target audience
All MedH staff (employed and affiliated).The newsletter is distributed by an email list that is automacally generated from IDAC:
Aim of the channel
The newsletter aims facilitate and increase the dialogue and cooperation between different groups at the department. The newsletter aims to highlight current events at MedH to show the variety of things happening at the department and show positive aspects of the activities conducted at MedH. The newsletter is part of the strategy to increase the 'us feeling' at the department.
For staff at MedH - on the KI Staff portal
On the KI Staff portal at you can find the local web page for staff at MedH. Here there is information needed to solve work related tasks and for staff to stay updated on whats happening at the university. Here you can also find internal news, calendar and operating information. There is also information about the MedH Management group, MedH:s internal strategy and the department delegation rules.
Target audience
The main target audience is employees and affiliated staff at the department. However the site is also accessible to the general public and other target audiences, such as students and prospective students. Parts of the content is so called 'local content' - accessible though KI-ID log in.
Aim of the channel
The site aims to facilitate the daily work at MedH/KI. The staff page also aims to create a sense of community at MedH and to make different activities and areas at the department visible, for example through interviews with staff. The site also aims to increase the awareness and knowledge of our communication channels.
Digital information screens
At KI Campus Flemingsberg there are several digital screens. The Communication officer at MedH publishes on screens in ANA Futura, Neo and C2:94.
The digital screens are used to share location specific information relevant to the people passing the screen. This includes, for example, current activities and events in the building/nearby area such as doctoral thesis defenses and seminars, renovations and more. Operating information is announced approximately 2 weeks in advance (longer if it's affecting the staff and building to a large extent). Routines and other events in the buildings are announced for 1-2 weeks, depending on the topic.
Target audience
The main target audience is employees and affiliated staff at MedH, and staff and students from other departments that are present in ANA Futura and Neo. Another target audience is visitors and the general public who has been given access to the buildings.
Aim of the channel
The aim is to market and spread information about events/seminars/conferences at MedH and KI.
E-mail is used as a channel for communication with MedH staff, including news, invitations to seminars and events at KI and MedH. There are several e-mail lists in use by the department, log in with your KI-ID for more details.
The MedH staff e-mail list is normally used for information from the Head of Department, Communication officer and the HR team.
Target audience
E-mail is primarely used for information and communication to and with employed and affiliated MedH staff.
Aim of the channel
The aim of the channel is to inform and facilitate collaboration within the department and KI.
Management group meetings
The MedH Management group gets together regularly for a digital or hybrid meeting to discuss current issues at KI as well as the units and the administrative support functions at MedH.The meetings also serve as a forum where the Head of Department and management can discuss and receive guidance on complex and complicated issues that require expertise in research, doctoral education, undergraduate education and communication.
Target audience
Decisions made during these meetings are communicated to the MedH staff in the MedH newsletter, e-mail and in some cases at the staff page at
Aim of the channel
The communication around the management meetings aims to increase transparency and provide joint information to MedH staff. With these meetings, MedH aims to create an open communication climate and a good dialogue between the management and employees, also with the ambition to communicate and anchor the MedH vision as well as the KI vision.
Department meetings
The MedH department meetings are digital, hybrid or physical meetings. The Head of Department invites the whole department for a dialogue around current issues, changes and themes at MedH. During the years of 2020-2021, the department meetings focused on the MedH strategy 2025.
The meeting invitation is sent out via e-mail by the Head of Department. The meetings are held when called for.
Target audience
All employees (employed and affiliated) at the department.
Aim of the channel
The department meeting is a way for employees at MedH to meet and with the meetings, MedH aims to promote and facilitate dialogue and cooperation within the department. Their purpose is also to create employee commitment and/or to introduce changes to get employees to do things in new ways.
MedH at
On the external MedH site at you can find contact details to the department administration, information about the research and education conducted at the department, news and calendar events. News includes presentation of new research results and presentation of recipients of awards and grants. MedH staff can refer to the page for news regarding publications, grants or doctoral theses and you can also find step by step guides for theachers, supervisors and students at MedH.
The web site is updated when needed.
Target audience
The general public, including prospective and existing students as well as other authorities and decision-makers, employees and affiliated at MedH and KI.
Aim of the channel
The aim is to make the deparment visible and to present and spread research results and news concerning the department.
E-mail lists, log in only
More information for logged in staff
There is more information for those of you working in the following groups
- H7.Department of Medicine, Huddinge