KI-Harvard-Marseille Immunology exchange program

KI Inflammation and Immunology network (KiiM) and the KI doctoral program in Allergy, Immunology and Inflammation (Aii) help facilitate the Karolinska Institutet (KI), Harvard Medical School (HMS), and Immunology Center of Marseille-Luminy (CIML) collaborative immunology training program.

Within this program it is possible for KI doctoral and master students to:

  1. Attend retreats organized by Harvard Medical School or Immunology Center of Marseille
  2. Participate in research exchanges (e.g. short laboratory/computational rotations at Harvard or Marseille for collaborative projects)

Applications for attending retreats will be announced on the KiiM email list.

If you want to apply for support for a research exchange please contact Mikael Karlsson ( or Caroline Grönwall ( with a proposal.

Similarly, PIs at Karolinska that would like to host students from Harvard or Marseille in their research groups for research exchanges can contact Mikael or Caroline for more information.


Content reviewer:
Ann Tiiman