Information for Aii course organizers

Here you find all the information for course organizers in the Aii doctoral programme.

Planning a course

The doctoral program Aii administrates and finances around 19 doctoral courses. If you are interested in organizing a course within the field of allergy, immunology or inflammation:

  1. Start by reading the course organizers checklist
  2. Look also at the general information for arranging doctoral courses and activities.
  3. Contact Caroline ( well in advance to discuss the course, especially if it is a new course that is applying for Aii funding. Before you submit your course to Fubas the course syllabus must have been reviewed by the Aii programme.
  4. Submit the new or revised syllabus in Fubas.
  5. Submit the course occasion and information in Fubas.  Note that the course information only needs to be created the first time. Remember to first check with Caroline that the dates don’t collide with any other Aii courses.

For more information refer to Course information and course occasions for doctoral courses.

It is important to submit your course syllabus and course occasions in time. Typically fall deadlines are in February and spring deadlines are in September. You can check for current deadlines here.


Aii finances a budget of up to 65 000 SEK/course week (including INDI).

In your application for financial support, please also include a short description of expenses you expect (e.g. lecture room rent, copying, travel, hotel, lab reagents, external lecture representation, compensation of teachers) to Caroline. If nothing is specified, Aii will estimate 15000 SEK (including INDI) out of the 65 000 SEK/week for compensation to the course organizer(s). However, the course organizer(s) are encouraged to calculate how much effort they have spent to organize and administrate the course to receive compensation for their time.

There are exceptions when the course budget can exceed 65 000 SEK/week. An extended budget may be allowed for special cases, such as lab-intensive courses, but must be approved together with the course syllabus. Reports of expenses for reimbursement should add INDI to the incurred total direct costs based on the organizer’s department. Please use the following form to apply for Aii course funding.


Expenses should be reported to Caroline Grönwall ( and Karine Chemin ( for reimbursement no later than three months after completion of the course.

The reporting should include:

Please note that the course needs to have a minimum of 8 KI-registered PhD students or KI postdocs to receive the full funding.

Other information

Distance teaching and learning

Here you find a curated collection of tools and resources which can be used for distance teaching and learning, and tips on how to get started.

Tips i terminsstart för dig som undervisar

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Caroline Grönwall

Senior Research Specialist
Content reviewer: