Funding for PhD learning activities and events

Here you find information on how to apply for funding from Aii Doctoral Program for PhD learning activities and events.

In addition to doctoral courses the Aii Doctoral Program is supporting faculty- and PhD students-led educational activities such as: thematic workshops, mini-symposia, seminar-series, book clubs, career events, colloquia, etc. To apply for funding, please consider the General information below and send the application form to Caroline Grönwall (AII Chair; and Karine Chemin (AII Coordinator;

General information

To be eligible for funding by the Aii Doctoral Program, the event should have a clear educational value and should actively engage PhD students. Attendance is not restricted to PhD students, and other participants, such as MSc students, postdoctoral research fellows, researchers, and other professionals are all welcome to participate. However, a fair number of participants should be PhD students at KI. The event should be open for all PhD students at KI (not restricted to one department, research constellation, or research group) and advertised via the KI Inflammation and Immunology (KiiM) network e-mail list. Advertisement using the KI Calendar is also recommended. Funding is generally approved in the range of 5000 – 35 000 SEK for workshops and symposia but organization of events which exceeds the indicated upper funding limit can be discussed with the Aii steering group.

After the event, the organizers are required to perform an evaluation of the activity using the Mentimeter template. After the event, the organizer should also fill out the “Activity analysis” form to summarize the event and send to Aii together with the results from the evaluation.

More information on activity evaluation and reporting can be found here

More information on arranging educational activities and events for doctoral students can be found here


Content reviewer:
Ann Tiiman