Activity evaluation and analysis

It's important to encourage doctoral students to give feedback on the activities they have participated in. This feedback, together with the reflections of the organisers and subsequent feedback to the participants, is an important basis for the work on raising the quality of future activities.

Participant evaluation

Use the Mentimeter template below to evaluate how your activity was perceived by the target group doctoral students. The template is available to all KI users and can be found in the tool under Shared templates with the name “Activity evaluation doctoral education (to be modified by presenter)”. Add it to your own presentations. The questions are mandatory but some need to be adapted for your purpose, see the example below.

Here you can see what the template looks like 

Please note that the evaluation using Mentimeter doesn’t necessarily need to be carried out synchronously, but can be sent to the participants after the activity and replied to within the time frame you have decided.

Adapt the template for your purpose

The evaluation should contain:

1) Title page with:

  • Title of the activity
  • Date(s) of the activity (start and end date)
  • Organiser (e.g. name of the doctoral programme or research school)

2) Aim(s) of the activity (related to doctoral education and if relevant to networking)

3) All questions in the template are compulsory. However, you need to select 1-3 outcomes for doctoral education that are relevant for the activity and take away the other outcomes.  Add extra questions if you wish, but it is suggested to keep the evaluation short.

Please test all aspects of the evaluation survey beforehand. See links for more information.

Organiser's summarising activity analysis

After finished activity and performed evaluation, a summarising activity analysis is to be written by the person responsible for the activity, using the form intended for this (see below). The form is to be submitted to those who financed the activity.


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Anna Gustafsson

Administrative Officer
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Anna-Karin Welmer

Chair of the Course and Programme Committee
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Vladana Vukojevic

Vice chair of the Course and Programme Committee
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