Layout and printing thesis

A thesis presented at KI must indicate Karolinska Institutet as a university and must use KI's trademark. The thesis shall use KI's logo and follow the rules for KI's graphic profile (handling of logo, colour and font).

Printing of the thesis

The thesis can be printed once the preliminary review has been completed and the examination board has given a favourable opinion. The thesis must be printed and ready at least three weeks beforehand to allow time for public notification (nailing) and distribution. You must therefore make sure to contact the printing house already before submitting your defence application, to ask permission to publish from the relevant publishers.

Template for thesis

Doctoral and licentiate theses must be printed by the printing company Universitetsservice US-AB. They also provide the template for the thesis cover to be used and provide support on formatting and other issues related to the templates. There is also information and rules regarding the cover of the thesis. Note: Only the template available at the printing office is allowed to be used (which follow KI's graphic profile and is accessible; "tillgänglighetsanpassad").

The template and the printing services can be reached at US-AB-portalen. You register an account by clicking "Logga in" on the top right corner of the portal, you cannot use your KI-login. The account is free of charge.  Contact US-AB if you have any questions regarding the templates or the printing services.

Contact details for US-AB
Phone: +46(0)8 - 790 7400 

Number of copies

You will need to order:

  • 2 copies for the KI University Library in Solna or Flemingsberg.
  • 10 copies for the members of the Examination Board, for your opponent, for the chairman and for nailing
  • 7 statutory copies which the printer will keep
  • Additional copies are required by your department’s own guidelines
  • Any copies you might need for future use

ISBN number

All theses need an ISBN-number.

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. All books have a specific ISBN number, a sort of identification number.

After your thesis application has been approved, you will receive an email with an ISBN number.

Do you have any questions about ISBN?

Contact the library


Images may be protected by the copyright law, in which case you need to ask for permission from the author to be able to use the image in your thesis summary. This also applies to images from publications where you are (co) -author where rights have been transferred to the journal.

Read KI's guidelines for images, photos and illustrations before choosing images for your thesis. Images can be photographs but also illustrations, graphics, or collages.

Bildmakarna at KI can help you with the production of graphic images

Drawing services