Microscopy and imaging analysis facility

This facility coordinates microscopes, imagers and analysis software at ANA Futura.

Microscopy and imaging analysis facility is a coordination of microscopes, knowledge and experience of cell/tissue imaging at ANA Futura. The mission is, by coordination of equipment and skills, to spread information and knowledge of cell/tissue imaging to ANA Futura members to increase research and educational output in these areas.

It enables hands-on access to our microscopes for PhD-students, post docs, and faculty in research groups at ANA Futura, as well as from other departments and institutes.

New users

New users must complete a training session on the proper operation of the specified instrument by an authorized member of the ANA Futura staff. For more information on training on specific instruments see each instruments homepage.

Instruments available

Advanced microscopes

  • Confocal system (A1R+, Nikon) with live cell imaging (BSL1), TIRF, N-STORM and spectral analysis.
  • Confocal system (A1R+, Nikon) with live cell imaging (BSL2), TIRF and spectral analysis.
  • PerkinElmer Vectra3 with tissue segmentation, co-localization and phenotyping.
  • Leica fluorescence microscope with digital camera (DCF450).
  • Leica fluorescence microscope with digital cameras (DFC340FX and DFC320)

Fluorescent microscopes

  • Light microscopies
  • Nikon Eclipse E600 with digital camera (DXM1200)
  • Leica light microscope (DM4000B) with digital camera and computerized image analysis software.

Workstations with imaging analysis software

  • NIS-Elements.
  • Imaris.

Booking and fees

  • Open to external users?
  • User fee?
    - Yes, but cost not yet decided. The fee is to cover service agreement and partly instrument updates.
  • Education mandatory before access to equipment?
    - Yes, See contact details on instrument homepage.
  • How can I book the equipment until the new online booking system will be available?
    - Temporary online bookings or logbook will be available at the respective instruments see each instrument homepage.
  • Open to external users
    - Yes.

ANA Futura microscope working group

A working group with members from the departments at ANA Futura are responsible for coordinating microscopes, imagers and analysis software at ANA Futura.

Facility Manager

Pernilla Lång pernilla.lang@ki.se Division of Pathology, LabMed

Working group members

Raoul Kuiper raoul.kuiper@ki.se, Phenotype CF, BCM, LabMed

Harold Marcotte Harold.marcotte@ki.se, Division of Clinical Immunology, LabMed

Laura Palma Medina laura.palma.medina@ki.se, CIM

Håkan Rundqvist hakan.rundqvist@ki.se, Division of Physiology, LabMed

Rachael Sugars Rachael.sugars@ki.se, DENTMED


Alfred Nobels Allé 8,
ANA Futura
141 52 Huddinge
7th and 8th floor

Confocal system (A1R+, Nikon) with live cell imaging (BSL1), TIRF, N-STORM and spectral analysis

8th floor ANA Futura.

Responsible person
Pernilla Lång pernilla.lang@ki.se Division of Pathology, LabMed.

Funding and managing
This instrument is funded/managed by Department of Laboratory Medicine.


  • Fluorescent detection
  • Single plan vs 3D
  • Multi-staining (normal detector 4 colors, spectral detector up to maybe 10)
  • Bright field phase contrast imaging
  • Live cell imaging with cell incubator
  • TIRF
  • Super resolution

Types of material

  • Fixed tissue and cells
  • Whole organisms
  • Live cells
  • Glass slides, plates and small petri dishes preferably made in glas


  • Microscope
  • A1R+ from Nikon


  • 10* air
  • 20* air
  • 40* air
  • 60* water
  • 100* oil (for TIRF and N-STROM)


DU4 (normal detector)


NIS-elements Confocal version

Live cell imaging
Cell incubator with 37C and 5% CO2

Training of new users

General training can be booked by contacting Pernilla. Some experienced faculty personal (check with Pernilla) are also possible to introduce short-term visitors to the instrument.

Note, all new users must be reported to Pernilla and obtain a mandatory introduction (approx. 3h). If you are an experienced new user discuss with Pernilla.


After completing the general training, users are invited to an online outlook booking calendar by Pernilla. When the general booking system for ANA Futura is up and running we will switch.


This microscope is subject to charge (from 2019-09-01) to pay for service agreement and smaller upgrades of the instrument to provide the best user experience. Depending on if the user is from Department of Laboratory Medicine/ANA8, KI or external the charge is slightly different.

The charge will be calculated from the booking system. Therefore, only book the time you use.

Instrument, Type of user, Charge (SEK/h)

Confocal, Labmed/ANA Futura, 80

Confocal, KI, 120

Confocal, External users, 120

Confocal, Teaching core facilty, 120

Confocal, User permit, 250 (not per hour but per permit). User permit is included in the introduction.

Confocal, Training, 500

Analysis computer - No charge currently

Dongles - No charge currently

To boost interest in the technique the 3 basic training sessions during autumn 2019 will be free of charge. Number of participants are limited to 6 persons/session. Students (bachelor/master/trainees) should be trained by their supervisors.

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